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Education in Mathematics, Science and Techology

The research group belongs to The Department of Natural Sciences, Practical-Aesthetic, Social and Religious Studies, a part of the Faculty of Teacher Education and Languages.

About us

We are a group with an interest in conducting research with a clear profile aimed at didactics in STEM in teacher education. The members of DiMaNaTe have joined the group with different research profiles. We have groups of members with expertise in programming in science, mathematics and language, and in democracy and science (including critical mathematics didactics).

At HiØ, many master students choose mathematics as their specialty. We see it as essential that, through research and developmental work, we can contribute to developing both our competence as researchers in STEM didactics and through research projects can include students at master's and Ph.D. level.

The research group is linked to HiØ's focus area DigiEd and is currently developing a project on digitization in mathematics teaching, how digitization affects the participants and the content of mathematics teaching. We seek insight into what are seen as qualities teachers, student teachers and pupils experience in an increasingly digitized mathematics education. In addition, we will investigate how digitization affects conceptual understanding and the didactic choices we make in teaching. Scholarship holder Henrik Stigberg's work is focused on digital fabrication for mathematics education. In addition, several master's students are engaged in topics related to digitization in schools.

External partner

Cooperation with Yvonne Liljekvist at Karlstad University, Sanna Forsström at the University of Stavanger, as well as Rune Herheim and Tamsin Meaney, both professors at the Norwegian University of Applied Sciences.

Activities in 2023

Monthly presentations with subsequent discussions. The aim is to support the members' progress in work with publishing, presentations at conferences (national and international), and to get to know other members' projects and be inspired by each other.

Spring 2023

  • Develop the research collaboration with Karlstad University where the goal is to develop research projects related to DigiEd.
  • An intensive seminar to develop projects.
  • 20 April (tentative date): Open seminar where master's students, Ph.D. fellows and research group members present and discuss research.
  • Master marked, invite master's students into ongoing projects.

Autumn 2023

  • Group writing seminars - develop ongoing project.
  • Participation in national and international conferences, including CERME in Budapest.
  • Network gathering/writing seminar with collaboration partners where the aim is to prepare application writing for external funds for ongoing projects


Tags: The Digital Society, DigiEd
Published Oct. 22, 2021 4:22 PM - Last modified Jan. 10, 2023 9:10 AM