Trude Skogsberg

Norwegian version of this page Faculty of Teacher Education and Languages
Image of Trude Skogsberg
Norwegian version of this page Position
Doctoral Research Fellow
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Academic interests

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Courses taught

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Positions held

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  • ...




  • Skogsberg, Trude (2024). Response-ability: Collaborative explorations and creative approaches to digital technology in Early Childhood Education and Care.
  • Skogsberg, Trude (2023). Undervisning og forskning i praksisfeltet.
  • Skogsberg, Trude; Lunde, Merete Ellen & Lund, Beate (2023). Hva innebærer det å være en profesjonell barnehagelærer?
  • Skogsberg, Trude (2023). An ethical and aesthetic approach to children, digital tools, pedagogy, and research. .
  • Belseth, Kjartan & Skogsberg, Trude (2022). Barnehagelærerutdanningen ved Høgskolen i Østfold - Oppbygging og innhold .
  • Skogsberg, Trude (2016). Barnehagelærerens metodefrihet: en forutsetning for barns medvirkning. Barnehagefolk. ISSN 1500-6905. 33(4), p. 80–84.
  • Belseth, Kjartan Andersen & Skogsberg, Trude (2016). Regjeringens manglende kompetanse. Barnehagefolk. ISSN 1500-6905. 33(2), p. 79–80.

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Published Aug. 3, 2021 1:50 PM - Last modified Aug. 4, 2023 7:54 AM