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Guide to help improve your study routine

Student life for many students is still being affected by the pandemic. It varies to what extent one is affected and how the individual handles their own situation. On this page you will find various resources with tips and advice for both study habits, social life and health and welfare services.

Stable of books with a facemask lying on top

And, remember that it is also OK to focus on the positive aspects of a different everyday life and even reach out to those who are struggling. Surveys show that many students are lonely and extra vulnerable now, so feel free to take the initiative towards your fellow students and share anything you might find in these pages that seems interesting or useful. Student life is closely linked to academic success, and with cooperation, consideration and generosity, everyone can contribute to making the small difference that is often needed to help get through challenging times.

Academic Success

It can be demanding when routines are changed and you are largely left to yourself. A whole day without appointments and regular meeting points can lead to studies and leisure time flowing together. Awareness of the factors that contribute to academic success are therefore extra important. Below are various resources that can help you master your studies in a good way through, among other things, help with thesis writing, student mentors and courses in study techniques.

Students Helping Students

It is often easier to ask "stupid" questions "to fellow students than to subject teachers. Experienced fellow students understand extra well what can be challenging for you. Yes, maybe they have just come across an academic problem that you are also struggling with. So, don’t be afraid to get in touch! 

  • Advising for writing assignment - get help from writing advisors with your assignment 
  • Do you miss talking to fellow students (offer only in Fredrikstad) - the student mentors have an open door and can help you with your student life 
  • Are you ready to book either an advising appointment for assignment writing or to talk to a fellow student, book an appointment here 
  • Group work is one of the most important arenas for collaboration where students are resources for each other, at the same time as this can also be a place for conflict and destructiveness if the group does not work. 
  • The manual Samkjørt eller Overkjørt (only available in Norwegian) contains many tips for group work

Digital Counter in the Library

The university college's library is one of the educational institutions in the country that scores best on student surveys and is for many a very important offer for the students' learning environment. The library holds regular opening hours where infection control is taken care of in a safe way. In addition, many resources are digital. A digital counter has been set up where you can get help from a skilled librarian.

Digital counter - talk to a librarian (weekdays from 10 am to 2 pm)

Study Techniques

Good academic results are not just about being smart. Research shows that 70% of what we learn in our studies is due to effort and good learning strategies, i.e. study techniques.
Do you want to improve your study techniques?

  • You can use the college's digital course in study techniques (in Norwegian). Take the course whenever you want!
  • You can follow the webinars in study technology for the spring 2021 semester. You will find the date and more information on the university college's event calendar (information in Norwegian).
  • The webinars are held by Olav Schewe, one of the foremost experts in study techniques and super learning.
  • For other writing tips and study techniques right at your fingertips, you can meet subject teachers and library staff with long experience within the topic in the college's podcast on academic writing

Social Life

Social events during the study period are important for community, friendship and belonging. Digital lectures, social distancing, closed student bars and canceled events have made it difficult for many to acquire a social network and get to know new students. At the same time, this has led to new ways of communicating and being together, where in the following you will find an overview of resources that can be helpful for student social life.

Get to Know Other Students

Studievenn (in Norwegian) is an app by and for students. The app allows you to join group chats that are put together automatically based on both randomness and geographical location. By setting different filters, you can choose to talk to students from both your own place of study or from all colleges and universities. Here you can share interests, photos and make an agreement to meet (remember to follow infection control measures)!

The student communities at the university college provide an important arena for getting to know other students. The same applies to the many student associations and student organizations. In addition to their offerings to the students, it is also very educational and social to get involved in their work. If you like to organize activities and at the same time want to expand your network, we recommend that you contact them.

It can be challenging to find fellow students who share some of the same interests as yourself. At you can create a user profile based on your interests so that both you and other students can find like-minded people. Do as over 30,000 users already and register if it is either football, hiking, chess or other interests you want to cultivate with others during your studies.

There are many reasons to get involved as a student at HiØ. The most important thing for many who take up an elected position is to get to know other students through their work for creating a better everyday life for students at HiØ.

Social Activities

The current infection control measures affect social contact with different restrictions. However, there are various activities you as a student can participate in where most of these are carried out by and for students.

The Foundation for Student Life (SiØ) has its own calendar which shows all the social activities you as a student can participate in. The calendar is continuously updated and shows, among other things, activities arranged by the student associations and student communities, as well as activities associated with the student democracy and by SiØ.

  • The Foundation for Student Life’s (SiØ) activity calendar for all students at HiØ

As a student, you can join various teams and associations to cultivate your interests. If you do not find something suitable for you, you can start your own association and invite other students to join.

Østfold University College has its own Learning Environment Committee that manages earmarked funds set aside for the implementation of measures to strengthen the learning environment at HiØ. Here, as a student, you can apply for up to NOK 10,000 for the implementation of an event or the purchase of equipment that stimulates the learning environment.

At the Halden campus, the college offers free rental of a bandroom. The room is equipped with drum kits, guitars, microphones and amplifiers.

Health and welfare services

Quality of life depends on a number of factors, where good physical and mental health are important prerequisites. This is also related to various social conditions and available welfare services. For many, being a student is an exciting time with enormous opportunities, at the same time as it is a new phase of life without the well-known network of home, friends and family. Changes in living situation, finances, routines and identity must be balanced with a new everyday life that can sometimes be demanding. Below you will find various resources that can be useful and that may make a difference in mastering everyday life even when things don’t go as smoothly as you would like.

Adaptations and Student Guidance

Students with special needs are entitled to individual accommodation. The special adaptations shall not lead to a weakening of the academic requirements, nor shall it be disproportionately expensive or difficult to implement for the school.

Feel free to contact us if you have challenges that affect your everyday study, or your ability to complete exams!

If you would like to arrange for a conversation about opportunities and path choices within the university college's study offer or career and future working life, contact our study advisors (in Norwegian).

Physical and Mental Health

Need someone to talk to? Don’t go around with your problems alone. SiØ Advice & Heath is a free offer to all students at HiØ who can provide information, advice and guidance in various areas of life. This can be, for example, loneliness, isolation, problems in close relationships, anxiety, depression, addiction, long-term illness, disabilities or pregnancy.

In collaboration with the university college's host municipalities, students are offered free access to the health centers in Halden and the health centers in Fredrikstad (in Norwegian). Here you can get guidance and answers to questions about, among other things, sexuality, cohabitation and health.

Rapid mental health care is an offer for you with mild forms of anxiety or depression. The offer is free and you do not need a referral from a doctor. Among the country's 18 pilot municipalities for the offer, you will find Fredrikstad (in Norwegian) and Sarpsborg (in Norwegian), among others.

The University of Bergen has prepared a separate website with research-based tips and tricks that can make the everyday pandemic a little better. On this collection page you can read more about things like safe training, music therapy and cute animals and why this can be good for you.

Studies show that people with mild mental illness very often use the internet to find help, but that it can be difficult to find current and reliable information. The project is supported by Mental Helse and offers free self-help videos with quality-assured information about various mental illnesses, where you can seek help, what you can do yourself and what experts recommend.

In the small book Mentale Verktøy – en psykologisk overlevelsesmanual for studenter (PDF, in Norwegian), you will find a number of exercises you can do on your own if you struggle with too much pondering, worry and perfectionism and want to challenge your living rules.

Physical activity affects mood, reduces stress and prevents a number of diseases. The university college wants to stimulate and facilitate physical activity for all students and offers a varied training and activity offer. We also arrange offers and discounts from external providers.


The university college has established an electric car pool at both campuses with cars that can also be rented privately by students on weekdays after 16:00 and on weekends. At the Halden campus, you can also borrow electric bicycles for free. Nice, among other things, to get between campus and the city center.

Illness or Delays during your Studies

Published Jan. 21, 2021 1:25 PM - Last modified Mar. 6, 2024 2:58 PM