Do you miss talking to a fellow student? The student mentors are here for you.

Committed student mentors will help you take back some of the student life that disappeared due to the corona crisis.

The corona crisis is challenging for most of us. To prevent loneliness and the feeling of not having a study environment, the student councils in collaboration with the Academic writing centre offer students individual talks. Every week, committed student mentors will be available digitally through a booking system. The mentors are students at Østfold University College, and they are available for an individual chat if you need someone to talk too.
The student mentor scheme is strongly inspired by the OLA scheme at the University of South-Eastern Norway, and it is a low-threshold offer run by students for students.

The offer states, among other things, that «The student mentors will act as a helping hand back to the student life. Some of the topics can be: How should you as students facilitate to reach the goal of the week? How to study more effectively? ”

Sandra Ryen is a member of the student council and is in her second year of the study programme Innovation and project management. She is one of the students who has agreed to be a mentor. She finds the "corona loneliness" sometimes challenging and misses physical meetings. In a survey, students have stated that they feel lonelier with the digital teaching.


“I think it has been difficult to feel that you do not have a class in the same way as before. For first-year students who have rarely, or perhaps, never met their class physically, I think it must be extra difficult. I feel it is important to contribute where you can”, she says.”


The Academic Writing Centre has offered guidance in academic writing from student assistants for the past four years. “I am pleased that the Academic Writing Centre offer has been expanded, and I hope that the students will use this new offer as well” says coordinator for the Academic Writing Centre, Anne-Lise Eng.

Third-year student and student mentor Kristina A. Hansen agrees “Book an appointment, you got nothing to lose by trying it. At least you will have the opportunity to talk about your frustrations and see that you are not alone”, is her encouragement.

Fellow students, not therapists

Ryen's fellow student, Marte Bøhler is also engaged as a student mentor. She also feels lucky to have almost completed a normal year of study, and have had the opportunity to establish both friendships and work groups, before the corona hit. Now she hopes to be able to help those who have not been as lucky, and who feel that it is difficult to find friends and a structure as a student.

 “We experience the situation as challenging even though we are now in the 2nd grade, but my student life works in a way. I think this is a nice way to get to know new people and contribute with what we can to make it work for others as well”, she says.


The conversations they offer are informal, and primarily to give fellow students inspiration and improve their student life.

“It is important to emphasize that we are not therapists. It is The Foundation for Student Life (SiØ) who offers those kinds of services”, Ryen says.

The student mentors are available digitally for individual talks:

  • Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 12.00-16.00.

You can book here:

Published Feb. 1, 2021 9:07 AM - Last modified Nov. 4, 2022 10:33 AM