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We use Zoom for online teaching, co-creating and collaborating in groups, courses, oral assignments, oral exams and meetings. Employees and students are logged in with FEIDE.

The first time you need to install the Zoom app from, and log in with FEIDE

Installation and initial startup of Zoom app on Windows (text and pictures)

Check your Zoom user settings (first time only)

Download Zoom-app for Windows og MacOS
Download Zoom-app for Linux

For help on installing Zoom-app for MacOS, see Zoom support

Engage in online education by clicking the Zoom link from your Canvas room.
Choose a teaching session and answer "Yes" to questions about opening the Zoom app.

You can attend a professional guidance or meeting in Zoom by clicking on the link in the meeting invitation (calendar) or email.

Zoom in Linux

Linux users must download a new public key to install version 5.12.6 or newer of Zoom. New public key can be downloaded from Zoom Download Center

What do I need to use Zoom?

Zoom can be used on both PC, Mac, tablet and mobile phone, with a camera, with either a microphone headset or a microphone and built-in speakers.

A microphone headset usually provide better audio experience.

Oral exam in Zoom

If the exam takes place over several days, we recommend that one Zoom meeting be set up per day, and that you invite all the students who will be graduating that day. Remember to check/select waiting room under Advanced settings. Then one student at a time can be let into the room manually at your control. The meeting invitation can be made from Outlook, with the Zoom Plugin, or in the Zoom client (remember to select Outlook as calendar). You can also create the meeing invitation from Canvas, but then you invite all the students to each meeting. This is helpful if you have many students in your course.

Where can I get help with Zoom?

If you have technical problems, you can contact IT Support (IT-vakt).

For academic support, contact PULS (Læringsstøttesenteret).

Keep your Zoom app up-to-date

It is important to keep your Zoom app up-to-date. Check for updates at least once a month.

Zoom - check for updates

Invite to meetings and professional guidance in Zoom

Passwords are automatically generated upon meeting creation.

The password is part of the meeting link. It is important that this link is not published on open platforms such as social media and websites.

If employees invite to a meeting or guidance in Zoom, use the "Schedule a Meeting" button in Outlook.

If students invite to a meeting in Zoom, use the Schedule button in the Zoom-app or on

Prepare a meeting - alternative options

  • Video on/off. Controls who can turn on video in the meeting. Host and Participants.
  • "Only authenticated users can join. Sign in to Zoom". May only be used if everyone who participates has a FEIDE user at HiØ
  • "Join before host". Turning this off will ensure that no one else than you becomes host.
  • "Mute participants on entry". Everyone enters the meeting with the microphone turned off.
  • "Enable waiting room". All participants are let in manually
  • "Alternative hosts". Only available from, Canvas and Outlook. Give those you add here rights as host. Applies to HiØ users only

Meeting options during a meeting

  • Lock meeting: Press "Manage Participants" and "Lock Meeting" once all participants have attended the meeting
  • Sharing options: Click on the arrow right next to "Share Screen", and select "Advanced Sharing Options". Check the box "Host Only" under "Who can share?" to stop others from sharing their screens
  • Add Co-host: Click the three dots next to a participant's name and select "Make Co-host".

For employees only

Zoom in Canvas

Create a teaching session or meeting for all students and teachers who have access to your Canvas room by first pressing the Zoom button in the Canvas room, then pressing "Schedule a new meeting".

Zoom in Outlook and Zoom website

All employees with a PC have a Zoom icon for meeting creation in their Outlook (requires Office 2016 or later, alt. Office 365).

View your user profile and set general settings:

Settings for teaching session, meeting or oral exam

When you invite for a teaching session / meeting / oral exam, you have a number of choices. For example, you can choose that only the host or participants too can turn their video on.

If you need more than one host in the room, add these people as "Alternative host".

Do you need students to wait in a waiting room until you let them in, remember to check this option.

Guidelines for digital oral exam in Zoom

Zoom for red data (sensitive content)

Read about Zoom for red data before recording a session or meeting in Zoom!

Published June 3, 2020 7:50 AM - Last modified June 8, 2023 1:39 PM