Guidelines for Oral Examination in Zoom at Østfold University College

Guidelines for Candidates (Students):

  1. The candidate must familiarize themselves with the date and time of their examination in either Canvas or Studentweb. Should the candidate discover any errors or omissions, they must report this to the course leader as soon as possible.
  2. The candidate can withdraw from an examination within a given deadline. Withdrawal from an examination is done in Studentweb.
  3. The candidate must have a valid student ID card or another form of picture ID available during the examination.
  4. The candidate must have access to a stable internet connection during the entire examination.
  5. The candidate must have a computer with sound/microphone and a webcamera. In some courses, the candidate may be required to show handwriting by means of writing on a board, tablet, webcamera, filming with a mobile phone, etc. If this is required, the course leader will give notify to the candidate well in advance of the examination.
  6. The Zoom link for the examination will be available in Canvas. It is recommended that the candidate test their video and audio before the examination. If the candidate is unsure of whether their equipment or network connection is working properly, the candidate should arrange to test with the course leader.
  7. The candidate must plan for plenty of time to complete the examination as there might be delays that effect the start of the examination.
  8. If the candidate becomes ill and is unable to take the examination, they must notify the course leader as soon as possible. In order to validate an absence, the candidate must submit notification of absence during an examination within one week after the examination date.

Guidelines for the Course Manager:

  1. The course manager must set up the Zoom link in the course’s Canvas room. The Zoom conference will be created with a waiting room.
  2. The course manager and examiner must ensure that they have access to the necessary technical equipment so that the examination can be carried out in a responsible manner.
  3. If the examiner is not experienced with Zoom, the course manger must provide guidance/training to the examiner before the examination.
  4. Should the course manager or examiner be unable to be present on the day of the exam, they must report this to the examination administration as soon as possible.
  5. The course manager must ask to see the candidate’s valid identification before the start of the examination.
  6. If a candidate does not appear for the examination, the course manager or examiner must inform the examination administration.
  7. If a candidate is exposed to a serious unforeseen technical issue during the examination, the course manager and examiner must consider the following for each individual case:
    • Whether the examination must be cancelled
    • Whether the candidate should have the opportunity to resume the examination or retake the examination at a later date

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Published Nov. 23, 2020 10:47 AM - Last modified Nov. 23, 2020 10:47 AM