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IT support during studies

Advice regarding computer during your studies, information on borrowing equipment and responsibility for private equipment.

Computer during studies

Do you want to buy a computer to use during your studies at HIØ? For most people, this is a big investment, so it's important that you make the right decitions.

Borrowing video projector and other digital equipment from the Library

The library has different equipment that you can borrow, such as dictaphones, headphones, DVD players and various adapters for Mac and PC.

Bring your student card when you come to borrow a video projector from the Library. Handle it with care, wait for the fan to stop before removing the power plug and put all accessories back in the bag before returning it. If there is a technical problem, contact IT Support (IT-vakt).

Borrowing a projector and projector canvas for employees

Employees who need to borrow a projector and projector canvas can contact IT Support (IT-vakt).

Responsible use of private IT equipment

IT Support (IT-vakt) will work hard to provide good and adequate assistance related to our IT services to staff and students, but it is important to point out some limitations regarding private equipment to avoid misunderstandings.

Published June 3, 2020 7:50 AM - Last modified June 6, 2023 2:03 PM