Norwegian version of this page

Responsible use of private IT equipment

IT Support (IT-vakt) will work hard to provide good and adequate assistance related to our IT services to staff and students, but it is important to point out some limitations regarding private equipment to avoid misunderstandings.

If something happens to your private computer, you must contact the store where you purchased it. HiØ is not allowed to repair physical damage to your computer or contact the supplier's service unit on your behalf. The computer operating system and software including upgrades and antivirus software are in the same category. You are responsible for correcting errors or reinstalling according to the supplier's instructions

HiØ facilitates the download and installation of some software products for use in teaching and study. This is software that you must install yourself according to the descriptions. We cannot guarantee that such software will work on your computer and operating system. You have to check for yourself whether your computer meets the supplier's requirements. We cannot install such software on your private equipment, nor do we assume responsibility for making it work for you.

In short: We can answer questions, show you where information is and provide self-help, but we cannot repair or install for you.

Published June 3, 2020 7:50 AM - Last modified June 6, 2023 2:00 PM