Fredrik Olsson

Norwegian version of this page Section for Pedagogical Development and Learning
Image of Fredrik Olsson
Norwegian version of this page Position
Associate Professor
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Tasks performed

Courses taught


  • Member of the Academic Programme Committee for the programme in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.

Research and development projects

  • Decolonising higher education
  • Digital literacy and integration of refugees

Other tasks

  • Excellent Teaching Practitioner (ETP), teaching portfolio, and assessment of pedagogical competence
  • Teaching academy ("Kunnskapsnettverket")


I have previously worked at the University of Gothenburg, mainly as Academic Developer at the unit for Pedagogical Development and Interactive Learning (PIL) since 2018. I have been a course coordinator for various versions of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 1 (HPE101/PIL101), teacher of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 2 at the Faculty of Education (HPE102/PIL102) , Supervision in Postgraduate Education (HPE201/PIL201), Assessment and Examination (HPE303/PIL303) and Supervision of Theses and Degree Projects (HPE304/PIL304), as well as supervisor in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 3 (HPE103/PIL103) (all courses correspond to 5 ECTS). I have also been the chairman of the editorial committee, which has among its tasks the publication of texts in teaching and learning in higher education, and a member of the working group for widening access and participation.

At the University of Gothenburg, I have taught students since 2010, mainly in the subject of Spanish. I have been a course coordinator, teacher, and supervisor on several courses at Bachelor and Master level, especially within the Teacher Education Programme. Among other things, I have been responsible for courses within the in-school teaching practice (VFU) in modern languages ​​and English, given courses in language didactics, and been a supervisor and examiner for degree projects in Spanish and English. I have also taught Spanish language literature and culture, written and spoken Spanish language skills, translation, grammar, and more.

In 2015, I did my dissertation in the subject of Spanish at Gothenburg University and Universidad de Sevilla with the thesis "Me voy pal Norte". La configuración del sujeto migrante indocumentado en ocho novelas hispanoamericanas actuales (1992-2009) [“Me voy pal Norte”. The Configuration of the Undocumented Migrant Subject in Eight Contemporary Latin American Novels (1992-2009)]. In the thesis, I study the portrayal of undocumented migration to the United States in eight contemporary Latin American novels. A slightly revised version of the thesis was awarded second prize in the competition "Nuestra América" 2015 ​​for the best monograph on Latin America in the subject areas of history, art and literature and was later published in Spain (2016, Editorial CSIC).

The spring of 2017 I spent as a visiting postdoctoral researcher in Mexico with a project on representations of the family in contemporary Latin American migration literature. In addition to my research interest in contemporary Spanish-language literature and literary and cultural theory, I am also interested in language and literature didactics as well as decolonial and norm-critical perspectives on higher education pedagogy.

In 2018-2020 I was involved in the collaborative project OESJ – Open Education and Social Justice, funded by SASUF (Sweden – South Africa University Forum). The project included the University of Cape Town, the University of the Western Cape, the University of Gothenburg and University West. The aim of the project was to develop a theoretical framework based on Nancy Fraser's theory of social justice to analyse the conditions for implementing open learning materials in South Africa and Sweden. From 2015 to 2020, I was also one of the coordinators of VitKrit, a decolonial seminar series within the humanities and the arts, University of Gothenburg.

I am a pedagogical expert (referee) and a certified teacher in Spanish and English for secondary and upper-secondary school in Sweden.


  • Second Prize in the competition “Nuestra América” 2015 for best monograph about Latin America within the subject areas of history, literature and the arts for “Me voy pal Norte”. La configuración del sujeto migrante indocumentado en ocho novelas hispanoamericanas actuales (1992-2009). The prize was awarded by Diputacion de Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla and Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).

Positions held

  • Academic developer, Pedagogical Development and Interactive Learning (PIL), University of Gothenburg, 2018-2023.
  • Lecturer, senior lecturer and researcher in Spanish, Department of Languages and Literatures, 2015-2023.
  • Senior lecturer in Spanish, Department of Languages, Linnaeus University, 2016-2017.
  • Doctoral candidate in Spanish, Department of Languages and Literatures, 2010-2015.​​​​​​​
Tags: Teaching and learning in higher education, Spanish, literature, second language acquisition, teacher education


  • Olsson, Fredrik; Fylkesnes, Sandra & Yri, Jørgen Sørlie (2024). Decolonizing Higher Education in Norway: Critical Collaborative Autoethnographic Reflections on a University Pedagogy Course. Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk og kritikk. ISSN 2387-5739. 10 (nr 3). doi: 10.23865/ntpk.v10.5918.
  • Olsson, Fredrik; Bradley, Linda & Abughalioun, Maisaa (2023). Refugees’ aspirations, attitudes, and experiences of higher education and professional life in Sweden. Social Sciences & Humanities Open. 7(1). doi: 10.1016/j.ssaho.2022.100386.
  • Olsson, Fredrik (2021). ¿Pedagogías sostenibles? Apuntes de un enfoque decolonial de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la educación superior. In Gutiérrez Hernández, Norma; García Sandoval, Beatriz Marisol; Magallanes Delgado, María del Refugio & Castillo Ruiz, Irma Favila (Ed.), Historia de la educación, género y perspectivas docentes. Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas. ISSN 9786079450724. p. 207–216.
  • Olsson, Fredrik (2020). Más allá del 'sueño americano': avances teóricos sobre el mito de la tierra prometida a partir de Entre el cielo y el suelo (2008) y Hot sur (2012). In Dolle, Verena (Eds.), ¿Un ’sueño europeo’? Europa como destino anhelado de migración en la creación cultural latinoamericana (2001-2015) . Iberoamericana Vervuert. ISSN 9788491921684. p. 141–160.
  • Karlsson Hammarfelt, Linda & Olsson, Fredrik (2019). Migrationslitteraturen och litteraturens migration. Flykten till Europa betraktad ur ett europeiskt litterärt perspektiv. In Bohlin, Erik & Karlsson Hammarfelt, Linda (Ed.), Vägen till Europa. Berättandet om Medelhavet som färdväg och tröskel. Göteborgs universitet. ISSN 9789189608443. p. 31–43.
  • Olsson, Fredrik (2019). Familia, fronteras y colonialidad global en Hot sur, de Laura Restrepo. In Cota Torres, Edgar & Vallejos-Ramirez, Mayela (Ed.), Fronteras globales. Globalización, literatura y frontera: Una visión a las travesías globales. University of Colorado Colorado Springs, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Editorial Artificios. ISSN 9781947921313. p. 47–72.
  • Olsson, Fredrik (2019). Familia, género y espacio transnacional en Dime algo sobre Cuba, de Jesús Díaz. Bergen Language and Linguistics Studies (BeLLS). ISSN 1892-2449. 10(1).
  • Olsson, Fredrik (2016). "Dad, yo soy una chica americana": Migration, Identity and Language in Eduardo González Viaña's El corrido de Dante. CALL: Irish Journal for Culture, Arts, Literature and Language. 1(1). doi: 10.21427/D7MS3V.
  • Olsson, Fredrik (2015). Del mito de la tierra prometida al sueño del retorno: el discurso del migrante en la novela de la migración latinoamericana indocumentada a Estados Unidos. In Castro, Andrea & Forné, Anna (Ed.), De nómades y migrantes: Desplazamientos en la literatura, el cine y el arte hispanoamericanos. Beatriz Viterbo Editora. ISSN 9789508453273. p. 131–150.
  • Olsson, Fredrik (2013). Sueños sin papeles: una aproximación a la migración centroamericana indocumentada a Estados Unidos en la narrativa hispanoamericana actual. In Reverte Bernal, Concepción (Eds.), Diálogos culturales en la literatura iberoamericana: Actas del XXXIX Congreso del Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana. Editorial Verbum. ISSN 9788479629656.
  • Olsson, Fredrik (2013). La constitución del sujeto migrante en Entre el cielo y el suelo, de Lorenzo Helguero. In Giuliano, Luigi; Trapassi, Leonarda & Martos, Javier (Ed.), Far Away Is Here. Lejos es aquí. Writing and migrations. Frank & Timme. ISSN 9783865965455. p. 191–209.
  • Olsson, Fredrik (2013). El sujeto migrante femenino en Después de la Montaña, de Margarita Oropeza. Revista de literatura mexicana contemporánea. ISSN 1405-2687. 58, p. 37–52.
  • Olsson, Fredrik (2012). Tierras transculturales: frontera, mitos y migración en El Corrido de Dante de Eduardo González Viaña. In Ahlstedt, Eva; Benson, Ken; Bladh, Elisabeth; Söhrman, Ingmar & Åkerström, Ulla (Ed.), Actes du XVIIIe congrès des romanistes scandinaves/Actas del XVIII congreso de romanistas escandinavos. Göteborgs universitet. Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. ISSN 978-91-7346-732-2. p. 559–570.
  • Olsson, Fredrik (2011). La frontera fabulosa: migración y realismo mágico en El Corrido de Dante de Eduardo González Viaña, Actas del coloquio internacional El orden de lo fantástico: Territorios sin fronteras. 27-29 de octubre de 2011, Centro de Estudios Literarios Antonio Cornejo Polar, Lima, Perú. Centro de Estudios Literarios Antonio Cornejo Polar. ISSN 1111111111.
  • Olsson, Fredrik (2011). Ballads without Borders: Transnational Identities and Voices of Latino/a Migrant Experiences in El Corrido de Dante by Eduardo González Viaña. American Studies in Scandinavia. ISSN 0044-8060. 43(1), p. 55–72.

View all works in Cristin

  • Olsson, Fredrik (2016). “Me voy pal Norte”. La configuración del sujeto migrante en ocho novelas hispanoamericanas actuales (1992-2009). Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). ISBN 978-84-00-10114-5. 379 p.
  • Olsson, Fredrik (2015). ”Me voy pal Norte”. La configuración del sujeto migrante indocumentado en ocho novelas hispanoamericanas actuales (1992-2009). University of Gothenburg. ISBN 978-91-979921-4-5. 353 p.

View all works in Cristin

  • Bradley, Linda & Olsson, Fredrik (2023). Digital literacy needs for education and labor market integration of recent Arabic speaking immigrants in Sweden.
  • Sæheim, Aleksandra; Olsson, Fredrik & Tandberg, Håkon Naasen (2023). Studenters prokrastinering i høyere utdanning: hva kan vi gjøre?
  • Korp, Helena; Olsson, Fredrik & Antonsson, Jenny (2023). Kritiska perspektiv på inkludering i högre utbildning: språklig och kulturell diversitet som resursskapande.
  • Olsson, Fredrik & Bradley, Linda (2023). Lärandemekanismer i gränslandet: förväntningar, attityder och erfarenheter av högre utbildning hos studenter med flyktingbakgrund.
  • Olsson, Fredrik (2023). De sujeto migrante indocumentado a sujeto translocal: 3052. Persiguiendo un sueño (2012), de Mamadou Dia.
  • Olsson, Fredrik (2016). Drömmen om det förlovade landet. Karavan. ISSN 1404-3874. 2, p. 16–21.

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Published Aug. 16, 2022 2:40 PM - Last modified Feb. 7, 2024 10:34 AM