Ingvild Holm

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Ingvild Holm has been employed as a professor in performance, acting, and scenography at Norwegian Theatre Academy (NTA), Østfold University College, since 2020.

She completed a 3-year national Artistic Research Fellowship program (equivalent to a Ph.D.) from 2015 to 2020 and is a practicing theater and performance artist. From 2019 to 2022, she received the Government Grants for Artists for her work. Holm engages in interdisciplinary practices within theater and visual arts, where she is responsible for concepts, text, development, and performance. Her doctoral project, "Scenomaten" (PKU/HiØ 2015–2020), was an institution-critical examination of what place and context do to form and content in a series of works with the place itself in the leading role. Her artistic development work revolves around object-oriented performance art, performative scenography, text as an object, object dramaturgy, ontology, site specificity, precarity, and reuse.

In recent years, Holm has been involved in several externally funded and international artistic development projects, including "Resite Venice" funded by the Program for Artistic Development (PKU/Diku), Venice Research Pavilion (2017), and "Blind Spot," funded by the Program for Artistic Development (PKU/Diku), Norwegian Theatre Academy, HiØ, HZT/UDK Berlin, BIT Teatergarasjen, Bergen Electronic Arts Centre (BEK), Tranzit Foundation Bucharest Romania, Canada Council for the Arts, and Conseil des Arts et des Lettres Quebec (2016–2017). Additionally, Holm has extensive experience in leadership, development, and participation in performances and exhibitions nationally and internationally. She was a member of the performing arts collective Baktruppen from 1987 to 2011. Holm has served on expert committees for the evaluation of fellowship applications at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHiO), been a member of assessment committees for Ph.D. candidates at KHiO and the Norwegian Academy of Music, and has been developing and leading courses and workshops since 2015, as well as providing teaching and guidance to students at the bachelor's and master's levels.


Ingvild Holm works in the expanded fields of theatre and visual art, with all parts of production, from concept, making and performing. She has participated in numerous norwegian and international collaborations in addition to individual works within performance, writing, film, exhibitions, scenography, curating, workshops & artistic research.

  • Born 1965 in Norway
  • Lives and works in Oslo 
  • Artists Working Grant, Arts Council Norway 2020–23, 2011 & 2005
  • PhD in the Norwegian Artistic Research Program (NARP) with Space Automatism, a series of object oriented site specific works on what place and context do to form and content, with place itself as the protagonist, from 2015–20
  • Member of Artist Collective Baktruppen from 1987–2011

All works 

Positions held

  • Professor in Performing Arts within scenography, acting and performance, Norwegian Theatre Academy (NTA) ved Høgskolen i Østfold (50% with 20% research).
  • Research leader at Academy of Theatre, Oslo National Academy of the Arts (short term 20%).

Workshops & courses

  • Picture the picture (MA Performance), Twins of reality (BA Scenography/ Acting), Everyday fiction (BA Acting), Scenography comedy (BA Scenography), Blind mimetic (MA Performance/ Scenography), Spiral lectures, Low status material & re-use (BA Acting/ Scenography), at NTA, Fredrikstad (2016 – 2022)
  • It doesn’t workshop. With Baktruppen at Dartington College of Arts, Totnes, UK and Norwegian Theatre Academy (NTA), Fredrikstad (2007)

Committees, boards & mentoring 

  • Member of the expert committee for PhD applications (2021 & 2022), opponent for Artistic researcher Signe Becker (2022), assessment committee for Lisa Lie (2022–23), at Academy of Theatre, Oslo National Academy of the Arts. 
  • Member of the assessment committee for Josh Spear, Norwegian Academy of Music (2021–22).
  • Mentoring three MA students in performance. Tutoring independent productions at BA-level, as well as individual students, at NTA, from 2017 and forward.
  • Vara member in board of Norwegian Artistic Research Program (NARP) from 2022. 
  • Vara member in the election board, Norsk Skuespillerforbund (NSF) from 2019.

Research collaboration

  • Material Strategies. Two years research led by Camilla Eeg Tverbakk. NTA/ Østfold University College and Concordia University in Canada (2019).
  • Blind Spot. Staring down the void. Two years research-based project with Karen Kipphoff (No/De), Marcio Carvalho (De), Farid Fairuz (Ro), Trond Lossius (No) and Carole Nadeau (Ca). Financed by Norwegian Artistic Research Program and Norwegian Theatre Academy (Østfold University College), HZT/ UDK Berlin, BIT Teatergarasjen, Bergen Electronic Arts Centre (BEK), Tranzit Foundation Bucharest Romania, Canada Council for the Arts, and Conseil des Arts et des Lettres Quebec. Performed at NTA, Fredrikstad, and BIT METEOR, Bergen (2017).
  • ReSite Venice. Org.: Norwegian Artistic Research Program (NARP) and Venice Research Pavilion. Curated by Ellen Røed og Serge von Arx. With Lisa Torell, Edvine Larssen, Brynjar Bandlien, Cecilie Semec and Bjørnar Habbestad (2017)


No ongoing projects


  • Holm, Ingvild & Meirik, Victoria Aase (2023). Lokal forskningsleder.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2023). Theatre Sculpture.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2023). Noras Tarantella. Performance med stum kunstfilm.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2023). Hendelser med Teaterskulptur.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2022). Hendelse(R).
  • Holm, Ingvild (2022). Rommet bak balkongen.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2022). Noras tarantella.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2021). Floran. Mammas hus i Lainio.
  • Holm, Ingvild Anker (2021). Orientering Sånafest.
  • Holm, Ingvild Anker (2021). Snikende død.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2020). Plast-iiik Home.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2020). Nora danser sin Tarantella.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2020). A Doll's House.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2020). Viva Voce.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2020). Letter to Charlie Kaufman.
  • Behrens, Electa Woodbridge; Elle, Øystein; Eeg-Tverbakk, Camilla; Graffer, Sidsel; Holm, Ingvild & Oredsson, Jakob [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2019). Material Strategies workshop and sharing.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2019). Fool.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2019). The method is the sculpture.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2019). We and I.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2019). Object oriented orchestra (forestilling): performance of things.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2019). All things are different with tooth picks (tekst).
  • Holm, Ingvild & Oredsson, Jakob (2019). Material strategies presentation play (manus).
  • Holm, Ingvild (2019). Twist lecture: on art and sustainability.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2019). Nye drinker for dannelsen av folket (forestilling): performance.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2019). Et dukkehjem (forestilling): filmperformance .
  • Holm, Ingvild (2018). Å SITTE. IKKE REISE SEG .
  • Holm, Ingvild (2018). SCENOMATEN/ ET DUKKEHJEM.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2018). GULL.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2018). PLAST-iiiK#3.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2018). PLAST-iiiK EXTRA .
  • Holm, Ingvild (2018). DYR.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2017). Reuse: workshop.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2017). My great powerpoint show: performance.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2017). Plastic: forestilling om plast i plast.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2017). Nye kluter.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2017). Melkeku: performance som ku til prosjektet Landbruksspørsmål.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2017). Resirkulert scenografi / initiativ og innlegg Ingvild Holm.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2017). The larger mask of Venice: undersøkelser, performance og presentasjon.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2017). Plast-iiik!: standup performance /ide, tekst, regi, hovedrolle Ingvild Holm.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2017). Kua og fela: lydskulpturer.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2017). Melkeku II: performance.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2017). Klima og teater.
  • Kipphoff, Karen Erika Earle; Lossius, Trond; Holm, Ingvild; Nadeau, Carole; Fairuz, Farid & Carvalho, Marcio (2017). Blind Spot - Staring Down the Void Performance.
  • Kipphoff, Karen Erika Earle; Lossius, Trond; Nadeau, Carole; Fairuz, Farid; Holm, Ingvild & Carvalho, Marcio (2017). Blind Spot - Workshop 2 Berlin.
  • Kipphoff, Karen Erika Earle; Carvalho, Marcio; Fairuz, Farid; Holm, Ingvild; Lossius, Trond & Nadeau, Carole (2017). Blind spot - Staring down the void.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2016). DRAUM OM VÅREN.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2016). Space walk.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2016). Er den daud? Episoder fra Kunstpolitisk kriminalserie.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2016). DON’T LOOK AT THE CLOWN - LOOK AT ME.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2016). SPACE INTERVIEW #1.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2016). SPACE INTERVIEW #2.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2016). DRAUM OM VÅREN.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2015). FORSKRIFTEN SOM FORSVANT.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2015). Dramatisk kunstpolitikk.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2015). THE HELMET – ROOM#1.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2015). EN SANN HISTORIE OM STØRRELSER – dokumentarisme som site specific.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2015). STAND IN - SPACE AUTOMATIC.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2014). Teaterterapi.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2014). JA, VI ELSKER TEATER.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2014). MORD, SIER DU?
  • Holm, Ingvild (2014). MORD, SIER DU?
  • Holm, Ingvild (2013). MØTE OM TEATERKRITIKK. Scenekunnskap Chat Noir#1.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2013). Referat med kommentar om teaterkritikk.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2013). Det store rollebyttet i Oslo. Klassekampen. ISSN 0805-3839.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2013). MOI, MORD. Teaterepisoder/ forestillinger om en planlagt intervenering av det akademiske maktapparatet.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2013). TROJANSK ESEL. Teatralt foredrag om språkmakt.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2013). KULTURUTREDNINGEN 2014; FORSLAG TIL TILTAK. Scenekunnskap Chat Noir#2.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2013). SCENEROMSENTRALEN.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2013). TEATERFILMFESTIVAL. Tredve år med eksperimentering i europeisk og amerikansk teater.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2013). Når narren inviterer. Dialog for teatret.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2012). HOLBERG OG NARRENE.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2012). AVKROK.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2012). ERASMUS MONTANUS ROTER I SKOGEN.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2012). Den ukjente X. Norsk Shakespeare- og teatertidsskrift. ISSN 1503-2310. p. 84–87.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2012). PÅ EN BLOODY ARMLENGDES AVSTAND.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2011). TEATERDIALOGER.
  • Holm, Ingvild (2011). PROTEST I DRESS.

View all works in Cristin

Published June 12, 2018 4:07 PM - Last modified Sep. 19, 2023 10:08 AM