Nazareth Amlesom Kifle

English version of this page Institutt for språk, litteratur og kultur
Bilde av Nazareth Amlesom Kifle
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Kontakt Studiested

Academic interests 

My primary academic interest is grammar. I am a formal linguist interested to analyse and describe the structures of languages, language acquisition and language (grammar) teaching. 


The last three years, I have been engaged in teaching the following topics: 

- English grammar

- English Language varieties 

- Academic writing 

- Theory and methodology for language and language teaching research. 


My general education is in Language studies with specialisation in Formal Grammars and Second/foreign language teaching/learning. 

- BA in English Language studies: literature, linguistics and Second language teaching

- MA in Teaching English as a Second language: Second language acquisition, Critical discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, learner texts.  

-PhD: Formal linguistics, computational linguistics, grammar development, Applicative, passive, double object,  causative etc. constructions.  



  • Kifle, Nazareth Amlesom & Behre, Viktoria Börjesson (2023). Lærerstudenters grammatikkforståelse: Forestillinger og oppfatninger om kunnskap, undervisning og grammatikkinnlæring. ELLA – Education, Literature, Language – Utdanning, litteratur, språk. ISSN 2704-0968. 1(1). doi: 10.58215/ella.23.
  • Kifle, Nazareth Amlesom; Gasser, Michael & Ephrem, Binyam Seyoum (2020). Character Alignment in Morphologically Complex Translation Sets for Related Languages. I Zampieri, Marcos; Nakov, Preslav; Ljubešic, Nikola; Tiedemann, Jörg & Scherrer, Yves (Red.), Proceedings of the 7th VarDial Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects. Association for Computational Linguistics. ISSN 978-1-952148-47-7. s. 47–56. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Whitworth, Andrew; Torras Calvo, Maria-Carme; Moss, Bodil & Kifle, Nazareth Amlesom (2016). How groups talk information literacy into being. Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS). ISSN 1865-0929. 676, s. 109–118. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-52162-6_11.
  • Whitworth, Andrew; Torras Calvo, Maria-Carme; Moss, Bodil; Kifle, Nazareth Amlesom & Blåsternes, Terje (2016). Mapping the landscape of practice across library communities. portal: Libraries and the Academy. ISSN 1531-2542. 16(3), s. 557–579. doi: 10.1353/pla.2016.0034.
  • Whitworth, Andrew; Torras Calvo, Maria-Carme; Moss, Bodil; Kifle, Nazareth Amlesom & Blåsternes, Terje (2015). Mapping collective information practices in the workplace. I Kurbanoğlu, Serap; Boustany, Joumana; Špiranec, Sonja; Grassian, Esther; Mizrachi, Diane & Roy, Loriene (Red.), Information literacy: moving toward sustainability. Springer. ISSN 978-3-319-28197-1. s. 49–58. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-28197-1_6.
  • Whitworth, Andrew; Torras Calvo, Maria Carme; Moss, Bodil; Amlesom Kifle, Nazareth & Blåsternes, Terje (2014). Changing libraries: facilitating self-reflection and action research on organizational change in academic libraries. New Review of Academic Librarianship. ISSN 1361-4533. 20(2), s. 251–274. doi: 10.1080/13614533.2014.912989. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Kifle, Nazareth Amlesom (2008). Object asymmetri properties in Tigrinya applicative constructions. I Jenset, Gard Buen; Heggelund, Øystein Imerslund; Cardona, Margrete Dyvik; Wold, Stephanie Hazel & Didriksen, Anders Alvsåker (Red.), Linguistics in the making: Selected papers from the second Scandinavian PhD conference in linguistics and philology in Bergen, June 4--6, 2007. Novus Forlag. ISSN 978-82-7099-504-2. s. 331–358.
  • Kifle, Nazareth Amlesom (2007). Differential Object Marking and Topicality in Tigrinya. Proceedings of the LFG-conference. ISSN 1098-6782. s. 05–25.
  • Kifle, Nazareth Amlesom (2005). Corpora as sociolinguistics data: methodological issue. Nordica Bergensia. ISSN 0804-5372. 33, s. 5–20.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Kifle, Nazareth Amlesom (2020). ፍርዲ ንፋስ፡ ገበልን ሓረስታይን / Vindens dom: den stora ormen och bonden (Tigrinya-Swedish). Emkulu Publisher. ISBN 9789198566055. 40 s.
  • Kifle, Nazareth Amlesom (2020). ፍርዲ ንፋስ፡ ገበልን ሓረስታይን / Vindens dom: den store slangen og bonden (Tigrinja-Norsk). Emkulu Publisher. ISBN 9789198566055. 40 s.
  • Kifle, Nazareth Amlesom (2020). ፍርዲ ንፋስ፡ ገበልን ሓረስታይን/The Judgment of the Wind: The Great Snake and the Farmer (Tigrinya-English). Emkulu Publisher. ISBN 9789198566055. 40 s.
  • Amlesom Kifle, Nazareth; Bjørneset, Tove; Reigem, Øystein & Sørensen, Sindre (2011). Norsk-tigrinja (tigrinsk) illustrert ordbok. Utdanningsdirektoratet. ISBN 978-82-486-0404-4. 650 s.
  • Kifle, Nazareth Amlesom (2002). Epistemic modality in arguementative essays of second-language learners. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 9780582418875.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 12. juni 2018 16:29 - Sist endret 23. mars 2022 12:56