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Critical perspectives on Teacher Education (and Education) - CritTEd

CritTEd is organised as an inter-institutional and international research group consisting of members affiliated to Østfold University College (HiØ), OsloMet, University of South-Eastern Norway (USN), University of Agder (UiA), Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN),  Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Professionshøjskolen UCN (Denmark), University of Helsinki (Finland),  University of Gothenburg (Sweden) and University of Iceland. 

Our members are:

Andrew John Thomas (leader - HiØ), Fredrik Olsson (coordinator - HiØ) Prisca Bruno Massao (secondary leader – INN), Sandra Fylkesnes (HiØ), Ingrid M. Rodrick Beiler (OsloMet), Marianne Østli (HiØ), Ida Hummelstedt (University of Helsinki), Pia Mikander (University of Helsinki), Jenni Helakorpi (University of Helsinki), Ronald Mayora Synnes (UiA), Mari Kristine Jore(UiA), Ingvild Bjordal (NTNU), Kristin Gregers Eriksen (USN), Bieke Gils (USN), Nertila Stringa (UiA), Zahra Bayati (University of Gothenburg), Nadia Norling Tshili Klarsgaard (Professionshøjskolen UCN/OsloMet), Heidi Stensbock-Haakestad (HiØ), Martta Brännström (HiØ), Helen Eriksen (UiA), Gunhild Brænne Bjørnstad (HiØ), Ennser-Kananen Johanna (JYN), Danelle du Plessis (INN), Erik Bergman (University of Helsinki), Ellen Englund (MA stud. University of Gothenburg), Elizabeth Bik Yee Lay (University of Iceland), Eva Harðardóttir (University of Iceland), Valgerður S. Bjarnadóttir (University of Iceland),  An-Dao Katrín Tran (University of Iceland), Håkon Naasen Tandberg (HiØ), Maija Jones (Helsinki of University), Joran Langvik (HiØ), Flora Tietgen (University of Iceland)

The research group is affiliated to the Østfold University College and takes its overall theoretical stance in critical theories and alternative theoretical perspectives that may both seek to inform and transform traditional ways that teacher education (and education) generally is both constructed and understood. The research group’s overall aim is to contribute to the development of innovative, empirically-based methodologies and theories that potentially trigger both relevant questions and answers for social transformations that move towards more social justice for all.

The group brings a diversity of issues of social and racial injustice to the center of its work studying interaction and tensions between different ways of knowing, teaching and learning in the field of education, with particular focus on the domains of (1) the body of knowledge that underpins teacher education (and education), (2) teacher education (and education) policy, practices and management, and (3) teacher education (and education) in relation to the digital society (digiEd), and herein, multimodal and multilingual forms of communication shaping various constellations of (post)human interpellations. 

In line with most forms of critical inquiry, members of the CritTEd research group aim to gain greater understandings of how knowledge construction, naming and power intersect in teacher education (and education) curriculum- and pedagogical practices and how these processes create boundaries for who we, as students (whether as adults, as youth or as children) and as humans, can both imagine ourselves to be, and actually be. These issues we study form various fields of inquiry, such as:

  • Critical Race Theory (CRT) inquiries, centralising intersectionality and focusing how race is a social construct and how racism is the result of complex, changing, and often subtle social and institutional dynamics, rather than explicit and intentional prejudices of individuals. 
  •  Critical Whiteness Studies centralising the research focus on the CRT concept of Whiteness and attempts to research white people anthropologically (as a group) and on how white supremacy ideologies have permeated various teacher education discourses.
  • Critical raciolinguistic inquiries, focusing on how language and race are jointly constructed and on how decoloniality can counter raciolinguistic ideologies rooted in colonial epistemologies.
  • Critical pedagogical inquiries, centralising the concept of critical consciousness and focusing on how pedagogical choices are inherently linked with social justice and democracy.
  • Decolonising perspectives as active resistance to oppressive epistemic logics, focusing on the construal of the deficiency of particular populations and thereby their need for correction, education and development.
  • Feminist theory inquiry focusing on understanding the structures of gender constructions and gender inequality.
  • Queer theory inquiry, focusing on exploring and challenging gender- and sex-based binaries perpetrated in society and on ways to undo binary hierarchies and fight against social inequalities.
  • Posthuman theoretical inquiries, drawing on perspectives from science fiction, futurology, contemporary art, and philosophy and focusing on questions related to ethics and justice, language and trans-species communication, social systems, and intellectual aspirations of interdisciplinarity. 
  • New materialism, focusing on the materiality of the human body and the natural world into the forefront of inquiry, decentralized agency as more than human. 

Publications 2023 (by December 31)

Aamaas, Å., Bjerknes, A. L. & Eriksen, K. G. (2023). Working with twenty-first-century skills through engaging with indigenous perspectives in teacher education. In K. C. Alvestad, H. Roll-Hansen & K. H. Nordberg (Eds.). New perspectives on educational resources: Learning materials beyond the traditional classroom (pp. 121-136). Routledge.

Andersen, C. E., Aronsson, L., & Lenz, H. T. (Eds.). (2023). Höj hörstyrkan! Lyssnande pedagogik i dag och i framtiden. Gleerups.

Andersen, C. E. (2023). Autoetnografiske ut-viklinger: Å skrive uheroiske beretninger om det som skjer. [Autoethnographic developments: Writing unheroic narratives about what happen]. In C. O. Myhre & A. H. L. Waterhouse, (Eds.), Metodologiske ut-viklinger: Om kvalitativ og postkvalitativ forskning i barnehagefeltet (pp. 141–156). Fagbokforlaget. ISSN 9788245035445.

Beiler, I. R. & Dewilde, J. (2023). Pedagogisk transspråking i voksenopplæring. [Pedagogical translanguaging in adult education]. In E. Bugge, C. H. Carlsen (Eds.). Norsk som andrespråk - voksne innvandrere som utvikler skriftkyndighet på et andrespråk (pp. 169-185). Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Bjordal, I. (2023). Markedsretting av utdanning og strukturell rasisme. [Marketization of education and structural racism.] Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift, 7(1). 8-22.

Bjørnstad, G. B., & Ellinggard, S. N. (Eds.) (2023). Performative innganger til undervisning - perspektiver på skapende læring med tverrfaglige tema. Universitetsforlaget.

Bjørnstad, G. B. & Ellinggard, S. N. (2023). Performativ vurderingspraksis. In G. B. Bjørnstad & S. N. Ellinggard (Eds.), Performative innganger til undervisning - perspektiver på skapende læring med tverrfaglige tema (pp. 80-96)Universitetsforlaget.

Bjørnstad, G. B., & Ismail, M. J. (2023). Dunia yetu – our world – vår verden – Bærekraftig utvikling. In G. B. Bjørnstad & S. N. Ellinggard (Eds.), Performative innganger til undervisning - perspektiver på skapende læring med tverrfaglige tema (pp. 235-249). Universitetsforlaget.

Bjørnstad, G. B., & Karlsen, K. H. (2023). An artful encounter with dance - empowering future teachers in cross-sectoral collaborations with the Cultural Schoolbag as the example. Dance Articulated.

Dýrfjörð, K., Magnúsdóttir, B. R., & Bjarnadóttir, V. S. (2023). Principals’ financial and pedagogical challenges when choosing programs and educational materials: The scope of the private education industry for preschools. Education Inquiry.

Ellinggard, S. N., & Bjørnstad, G. B. (2023). Innledning. In G. B. Bjørnstad & S. N. Ellinggard (Eds.), Performative innganger til undervisning - perspektiver på skapende læring med tverrfaglige tema (pp. 27-37). Universitetsforlaget.

Ellinggard, S. N., & Bjørnstad, G. B. (2023). Avsluttende ord. In G. B. Bjørnstad & S. N. Ellinggard (Eds.), Performative innganger til undervisning - perspektiver på skapende læring med tverrfaglige tema (pp. 260-262). Universitetsforlaget.

Ennser-Kananen, J. & Saarinen, T. (Eds., 2023, online 2022). New materialist explorations into language education. Springer. Open access:

Ennser-Kananen, J. & Ruohotie-Lyhty, M. (2023, online 2022). "I'm a foreign teacher": Legitimate positionings of a migrant teacher. Journal of Education for Teaching. Open access.

Eriksen, K. G., Aamaas, Å. & Bjerknes, A. L. (2023). Engaging with indigenous perspectives in mainstream Norwegian teacher education: Collaborative autoethnography as a path toward decolonial indigenization. Diaspora, Indigenous and Minority Education

Eriksen, K. G., & Jore, M. K. (2023). (Tapte) muligheter for kritisk tenkning: Post- og dekoloniale perspektiver i samfunnsfag. [(Lost) opportunities for critical thinking: Post- and decolonial perspectives in social science]. Nordidactica, 13(2). 135-158.

Harðardóttir, E., Lay, E. B. Y., & Magnúsdóttir, B. R. (2023) Performing the norm in the Global North: migrant parents’ positions and participation within Icelandic schools. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 44(6), 1051-1066. DOI: 10.1080/01425692.2023.2237198

Jónasson, J. T., & Bjarnadóttir, V. S. (2023). The Nordic interactive and comparative spaces within the arena of education. Nordic Studies in Education, 43(1), 25-42.

Karlsen, K. H.; Bjørnstad, G. B., & Omand, C. (2023). En leken tilnærming til læring. In R. L. Næsje, S. A. Berggren, G. C. Motzfeldt, M. Häggström & K. H. Karlsen (Eds.), Storyline i begynneropplæringen: En estetisk og lekende tilnærming til læring (pp. 23-57)Universitetsforlaget.

Lippe, G. V. D., & Gils, B. (2023). Women in Norwegian Athletics in the 1960s & 1970s. In J. Krieger, (Ed.) Athletics in the Nordic Countries: History and developments (pp. 121-140). Common Ground Research Networks.

Massao, P. B., & Skogvang, B. O. (2023). Rasialisering, hvithet og norskhet: Nasjonal identitetsdannelse i og gjennom idrett. [Racialisation, whiteness and Norwegianness; National identity formation in and through sport.]. Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift, 3(7), 41–57.

Massao, P. B., & Thorjussen, I.M. (2023). Barn, unge og rasisme: Kritisk raseteori som utgangspunkt for utvikling av antirasistisk kompetanse i utdanning og idrett. [Children, youth and racism: Critical race theory as a starting point for the development of anti-racist competence in education and sports.]. In T. Wilhelmsen, E. Berg, K. V. Evensen, G.M. Solstad & I. M. Thorjussen (Eds.). Bevegelsesfellesskap i oppveksten: Kritiske perspektiver på inkludering og mangfold. (pp. 244–262).

Mikander, P., & Mansikka, J. E. (2023). Social class as a challenge in educating for diversity: The case of a Finnish preschool. Children & Society, 37(5), 1432-1445.

Mikander, P., & Satokangas, H. (2023). From influencing school food to handling hate speech: Methods, areas, and limitations of active citizenship in Finnish social studies textbooks. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice. Advance online publication.

Mikander, P. (2023). Racism in Finnish school textbooks: Developments and discussions. I M. Thrupp, P. Seppänen, J. Kauko, & S. Kosunen (red.), Finland’s famous education system: Unvarnished insights into Finnish schooling (s. 289-302). Springer.

Satokangas, H., & Mikander, P. (2023). From a welcoming rhetoric to a narrowing one: Constructing citizen agency in Finnish social studies textbooks. Nordidactica: Journal of Humanities and Social Science Education, 13(3), 85-108.

Vik, M. K., & Bjørnstad, G. B. (2023). Deltakerens mulighetsrom for dybdelæring gjennom lærer-i-rolle. In G. B. Bjørnstad & S. N. Ellinggard (Eds.), Performative innganger til undervisning - perspektiver på skapende læring med tverrfaglige tema (pp. 117-131). Universitetsforlaget.

Zilliacus, H., Wolff, L-A., Mikander, P., & Kallioniemi, A. (2023). Reframing the human–nature relationship in worldview education: A discourse analysis of textbooks in Finland. In Handbook on religious education for sustainable development reframing. Springer.

Publications 2022 (by December 24th)

Andersen, C.E., Aronsson, L.& Lenz Taguchi, .H.(2022).Lyssnandets pedagogik i Sverige och Norge i dag. Kartbilder över olika sätt att förstå och praktisera fenomenet.Nordisk Barnehageforskning. ISSN 1890-9167. 19(4), s. 1–9. doi: 10.23865/nbf.v19.399.

Andersen, C.E. & Nordström, S.N. (2022).Nick-storying and the Body’s Immersion and Participation in the World: Forming Aggregates for Early Childhood Education.I Blyth, Carmen & Aslanian, Teresa Katherine (Red.),Children and the Power of Stories. Posthuman and Autoethnographic Perspectives in Early Childhood Education.. Springer. ISSN 978-981-16-9286-4. s. 109–124. doi: DOI%3A%2010.1007/978-981-16-9287-1_8.

Beiler, I M.R. (2022). Anglonormativity in Norwegian language education policy and in the educational trajectories of immigrant adolescents. Language policy.

Bayati, Z., Eriksen, H. & Ulrichsen, G.O. (2022). Dressing and Undressing Whiteness. PARSE, 15(3).

Bergensen, A. & Massao, P. B. (2022). En analyse av makt og kultursensitivitet blant utvekslingstsudenter til og fra det globale sør gjennom faget Global Knowledge. I. J. Klein, A. Bergensen og A. S. Larsen (Red.). Utenlandske praksis for lærerstudenter: Global Interkulturell kompetanse (s. 107-120). Universitetsforlag.

Bjordal, I. (2022). Soft privatization in the Norwegian school: cooperation between public government and private consultancies in developing ‘failing’ schools- Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy, 8(1). 42-51,

Dyrnes, E.M. & Brännström, M. (2022). "Du må være trygg for å kunne fokusere på læring". Ungdomsskolens praksiser og rutiner i sammensetting av 8. klasser.  I Maugesten, Marianne & Spernes, Kari Iren (Red.), Overganger i skolen. Fra barnetrinnet til ungdomstrinnet. Universitetsforlaget. s. 38–50.

Enser-Kananen, J, Saario, J. & Sulkunen, S. (2022). Language education for social justice. Special issue in Apples - Journal of Applied Language Studies. Open access:

Ennser-Kananen, J. (2022). Walking the cliff: Foreign language classes as entry points for social justice education. In L. J. Randolph (Ed.). How We Take Action: Social Justice in K-16 Language Classrooms. Open access.

Eriksen, K. G. (2022). Decolonial methodology and reflexive wrestles of whiteness. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 13(2).

Eriksen, K. G. & Sibeko, G. J. (2022). Innganger til en anti-rasistisk undervisning. I: Kontroversielle, emosjonelle og sensitive tema i skolen. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget

Gils, B. (2022). “Charmion and the business of physical culture at the turn of the twentieth century,” Iron Game History: The Journal of Physical Culture 16(2): 25-27. 

Goldschmidt-Gjerløw, B., Eriksen, K. G. & Jore, M. K. (2022). Kontroversielle, emosjonelle og sensitive tema i skolen.Oslo:Universitetsforlaget

Goldschmidt-Gjerløw, B., Eriksen, K. G. & Jore, M. K. (2022). Undervisning som balansekunst. I: Kontroversielle, emosjonelle og sensitive tema i skolen. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget

Hognestad, H.K., Giulianotti, R., Thorpe, H., Langseth, T. & Gils, B. (2022). Editorial: Environmental Sustainability in Sports, Physical Activity and Education, and Outdoor LifeFront. Sports Act. Living, 21 February 2022.

Jore, Mari Kristine (2022). Terror, frykt og elevers politiske følelser. I. Kontroversielle, emosjonelle og sensitive tema i skolen. I Goldschmidt-Gjerløw, B., Eriksen, K.G., Jore, M.K. (Red.). Kontroversielle, emosjonelle og sensitive tema i skolen. Universitetsforlaget. Kapittel 3. s 70 - 88.

Lay, E. B. Y. & Yannis, T. (2022). Tensions between diverse schools and inclusive educational practices: Pedagogues’ perspectives in Iceland, Finland and the Netherlands. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education

Lee, EY., de Lannoy, L., Li, L., de Barros, M. I. A., Bentsen, P., Brussoni, M., Fiskum, T. A., Guerrero, M., Hallås, B. O., Ho, S., Jordan, C., Leather, M., Mannion, G., Moore, S. A., Hansen Sandseter, E. B., Spencer, N. L. I., Waite, S., Wang, PY., Tremblay, M. S., Winje, Ø. (2022). Play, learn, and teach outdoors—network (PLaTO-Net): terminology, taxonomy, and ontology. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 19(66).

Massao, P. B. (2022). Rasialisering: Et begrep for norsk samfunns- og utdaningsforskning? . I C. A. Døving (Red.).  Rasisme: Fenomenet, forskningen, erfaringene (s. 41 -63). Oslo: Universitetsforlag. 

Osgood, J., Andersen, C.E. & Otterstad, A.M.(2022).Portal-time and wanderlines: What does virusing-with make possible in childhood research?  Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology (RERM). ISSN 1892-042X.13(3), s. 208–231.

Ramirez, C. (2022). Fargeblindhet i norsk skole. I C. A. Døving (red.) Rasisme: Fenomenet, forskningen, erfaringene.Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. s. 378-392.

Reinertsen, A.B., Ulla, B., Larsen, A.S., Moxnes, A.R., Aslanian, T.K. & Andersen, C.E. (2022).Fugitive Futures and Knowledge Brokering: Adding Value, Habits, and Trust in Early Childhood Education and Educational Research.Qualitative Inquiry. ISSN 1077-8004. s. 1–14. doi: 10.1177/10778004221077709.Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Synnes, R.M. (2022). Dimensions of Ethnic Boundary-Making: Experiences of Young Muslims and Christians in Religious Transnational Fields in Oslo. Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 12(4). 379-395. doi:10.33134/njmr.353

Synnes, R.M. & Trysnes, I. (2022). Unge muslimers og kristnes selvpresentasjon på sosiale medier. Kirke og kultur. ISSN: 0023-186X. 127 (3). s 228 - 244. doi:10.18261/kok.127.3.4

Verduijn, K. & Andersen, C.E. (2022). Cautiously Creating a Future-Oriented Manifesto for Thinking Entrepreneurship as Practice. In Thompson, Neil Aaron; Byrne, Orla; Jenkins, Anna & Teague, Bruce T. (Red.), Research Handbook on Entrepreneurship as Practice. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 9781788976824. s. 92–107.


Published Mar. 16, 2022 1:19 PM - Last modified Mar. 27, 2024 10:58 AM