Rolf Kristian Baltzersen

Norwegian version of this page Section for Pedagogical Development and Learning
Norwegian version of this page Position
Study place
Office nr.

Academic interests

  • Collective intelligence
  • Mentoring
  • Open textbooks and open educational resources (OER)
  • Active learning
  • Digital storytelling
  • Verbal metacommunication (metadiscourse, metatalk)
  • Teacher education research
  • Research methods
  • Cultural-historical activity theory (CHAT)
  • Online education
  • Digital competence
  • Knowledge building
  • Philosophy of technology

Courses taught

Foundations of Education, various pedagogical subjects. 


I have been working at the Faculty of Education at Østfold University College since 2004, and was promoted to Professor in 2015.

During my first period (2004-2012) I taught courses in educational technology. I also coordinated several ICT-projects with a number of different schools in the region. In recent years, I have taught courses in educational foundations in the teacher training programme. In addition, I have been involved in some of the mentoring courses for practicum teachers.

From 2015-17, I also had a part-time position at the local Educational Development and Learning Center. In 2012-13, I had a one-year stay at the University of Toronto as a visiting scholar.

As a teacher in tertiary education, my primary emphasis has always been to continuously try to improve my own classroom teaching and student learning. Over the years, both me and my students have produced a number of different open educational resources as a part of the lessons.

In 2017, I finished my PhD which summarizes the insights from my work as a teacher educator. The monograph is openly available for download at this link.


  • Baltzersen, Rolf Kristian & Bredberg, Johan Per Ivar Bo (2021). Digital Technologies and Online Learning in Primary Education (Norway). Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. ISSN 2514-6440. doi: 10.5040/9781350993716.011.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf Kristian (2020). Creative Problem Solving in Online Innovation Contests: What Motivates Top Solvers to Participate in the New Collaborative Economy? In Leon, Ramona Diana (Eds.), Strategies for Business Sustainability in a Collaborative Economy. IGI Global. ISSN 9781799845447. p. 239–264. doi: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4543-0.ch013.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf K (2013). The Importance of Metacommunication in Supervision Processes in Higher Education. International Journal of Higher Education. ISSN 1927-6044. 2(2), p. 128–140. doi: 10.5430/ijhe.v2n2p128.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf Kristian (2011). Texter i en wikigemenskap. In Alexandersson, Mikael & Hansson, Thomas (Ed.), Unga nätmiljöer: nya villkor för samarbete och lärande. Studentlitteratur AB. ISSN 978-91-44-07122-0. p. 127–148.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf Kristian (2011). Å veilede en nyutdannet lærer med disiplinproblemer i klassen : en analyse av en foreldresamtale og veiledningssamtale med utgangspunkt i modelltenkningen til Argyris og Schön. In Karlsen, Thorbjørn (Eds.), Veiledning under nye vilkår : skapende prosesser i møtet mellom veileder og veisøker. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 978-82-05-41535-5. p. 84–102.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf Kristian & Eliassen, Erik (2011). Læring i skolenettverk: mininettverk som utviklingsstrategi. In Erstad, Ola & Hauge, Trond Eiliv (Ed.), Skoleutvikling og digitale medier - kompleksitet, mangfold og ekspansiv læring. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 9788205361157. p. 182–210.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf Kristian (2010). Radical transparency: Open access as a key concept in wiki pedagogy. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. ISSN 1449-3098. 26(6), p. 791–809.

View all works in Cristin

  • Baltzersen, Rolf Kristian (2023). Effective Use of Collective Peer Teaching in Teacher Education Maximizing Student Learning. Routledge. ISBN 9781003403586. 144 p.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf Kristian (2022). Cultural-Historical Perspectives on Collective Intelligence. Patterns in Problem Solving and Innovation. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781108981361. 448 p.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf K (2019). Digitale fortellinger i skolen. Pressbooks (e-bokversjonen). ISBN 978-82-93356-14-1. 121 p.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf K (2019). Digitale fortellinger i skolen. Høgskolen i Østfold. ISBN 978-82-93356-13-4. 121 p.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf K (2014). Praksisveilederen i skolen (Versjon 1.1 - januar 2014). Rolf K. Baltzersen. ISBN 978-82-93356-01-1. 165 p.

View all works in Cristin

  • Eri, Thomas; Baltzersen, Rolf Kristian & Æsøy, Knut Ove (2024). Lærerutdanning i krise. Tid for drastiske didaktiske grep? ISSN 1894-8995.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf Kristian & Æsøy, Knut Ove (2023). Collective Peer Teaching in Teacher Education: The Rise of a New Student Teacher.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf Kristian (2023). Foredrag om kollektiv intelligens. Basert på bok jeg har skrevet.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf Kristian (2022). Utilizing better solutions with collective intelligence.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf Kristian (2022). Honeybee democracy in ancient Athens.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf Kristian; Eri, Thomas & Æsøy, Knut Ove (2022). Collective learning in teacher education.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf Kristian (2021). The wisdom of the student crowd. Should we build our educational future on collective intelligence? .
  • Baltzersen, Rolf K (2019). Lærersamarbeid.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf K & Kolstad, Olav Erik (2019). Praksisrelevant undervisning på campus.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf K (2019). Overganger - en digital læringsressurs.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf K (2019). Kollektiv læring på sitt beste.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf K (2019). Collective intelligence: New trends in collective problem-solving. Implications for the design of online education.
  • Nagel, Ilka & Baltzersen, Rolf K (2019). Samskaping og deling av læringsressurser om digitale fortellinger.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf K (2017). Lærerstudenter som kunnskapsprodusenter.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf K (2016). Kollektiv kunnskapsutvikling eller individuell læring? Er disse to aktivitetene forenelige ved opplæring i lærerutdanningen.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf K (2016). Picking up the pieces? Reflective dialogues between a teacher educator and a teacher within a self-study approach.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf K; Morberg, Åsa & Emsheimer, Peter (2014). Developing open textbooks about mentoring.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf K (2014). The importance of self-study research in teacher education.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf K & Hoel, Tore (2014). Åpne læringsressurser.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf K (2014). Collaborative writing in a wiki environment.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf K (2013). Collaborative writing with wikis.
  • Tobiassen, Roald & Baltzersen, Rolf K (2013). Developing and construction of wiki-book on mentoring in teacher education.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf Kristian (2012). Pedagogisk bruk av blogg.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf K (2012). Digitale fortellinger i skolen (Versjon april 2012).
  • Baltzersen, Rolf K (2011). Å veilede en nyutdannet lærer med disiplinproblemer i klassen. In Karlsen, Thorbjørn (Eds.), Veiledning under nye vilkår : skapende prosesser i møtet mellom veileder og veisøker. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 978-82-05-41535-5. p. 84–102.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf Kristian (2010). Bruk av digitale verktøy som grunnleggende ferdighet i lærerutdanningen.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf Kristian (2010). Developing an understanding of radical transparency as a key concept in a wikipedagogy.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf Kristian (2010). Store Norske Wikipedia. Utdanning. ISSN 1502-9778.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf Kristian (2009). Multimodale virkemidler i en digital fortelling.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf Kristian (2009). Hvordan sette bilde inn i en wikiartikkel (Mediawiki).
  • Baltzersen, Rolf Kristian (2009). Hva krever verdens beste skole? ?.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf Kristian (2009). Hva er digital kompetanse?
  • Baltzersen, Rolf Kristian (2009). Digitale fortellinger i Lærende nettverk i Østfold.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf K (2019). Best på kollektiv læring? Høgskolen i Østfold.
  • Baltzersen, Rolf K (2017). Collective knowledge advancement as a pedagogical practice in teacher education : an explorative case study of student group work with wiki assignments in the interplay between an offline and a global online setting. Universitetet i Oslo. ISSN 1501-8962.

View all works in Cristin

Published June 12, 2018 4:25 PM - Last modified June 15, 2021 8:45 AM