Cecilie Olandersson

Norwegian version of this page Department of Education, ICT and Learning
Image of Cecilie Olandersson
Norwegian version of this page Position
Assistant Professor
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Tasks performed

Head of Studies for the Department of Education, ICT and Learning. The department consists of staff in the fields of pedagogy, special education, and ICT and learning.

Relevant education

  • Master's thesis in Pedagogy and Leadership of Education, University of South-Eastern Norway
  • Teacher Education (PPU), Østfold University College
  • Bachelor in Communication, University of North Dakota

Relevant work experience

  • Teacher Educator, Østfold University College
    • Project coordinator for Knowledge brokering in partnership (KUPP)
    • Host of the podcast Skolelys
  • Assistant professor, American College of Norway
  • Teacher in middle school and high school
  • Journalist

Academic interests

  • Pedagogy
  • Leadership of education
  • Learning in partnership
  • Learning in professional learning communities
  • Classroom management and learning environment


  • Fjeld, Hilde Sofie; Hafstad, Sigrun Staal; Lindahl, Anne Grete; Olandersson, Cecilie & Ramberg, Lin Elisabet Sandhaug (2022). Forventninger, forhandlinger og konsekvenser – partnerskap mellom grunnskole og høgskole. Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift. ISSN 0029-2052. 106(5), p. 422–434. doi: 10.18261/npt.106.5.4.

View all works in Cristin

  • Olandersson, Cecilie & Nygaard-Joki, Sonja (2023). Sustainable Development as an Interdisciplinary Topic – An Unclear Area in the Subject of English.
  • Olandersson, Cecilie & Ramberg, Lin Elisabet Sandhaug (2023). Innovative Field Experiences in Teacher Education.
  • Olandersson, Cecilie & Brynildsen, Stine (2023). S2- E3: Fritt spillerom i en teknologirik praksis. [Internet]. Wordpress/ SoundCloud.
  • Brynildsen, Stine & Olandersson, Cecilie (2023). S2-E6: Med en ny dings i sekken. Om den digitale overgangen fra mellomtrinnet til ungdomstrinnet. [Internet]. Wordpress/ SoundCloud.
  • Hafstad, Sigrun Staal & Olandersson, Cecilie (2022). Kunnskapsmegling i likeverdige partner- og profesjonsfellesskap.
  • Fjeld, Hilde Sofie; Ramberg, Lin Elisabet Sandhaug; Olandersson, Cecilie; Hafstad, Sigrun Staal & Lindahl, Anne Grete (2022). Higher education and schools in partnership: Expectation, understanding and negotiation of the decentralized competency development project (DECOMP) .
  • Brynildsen, Stine & Olandersson, Cecilie (2022). Skolelys - En pod for oss med hjertet i skolen. [Internet]. Wordpress/ SoundCloud.
  • Olandersson, Cecilie & Thomas, Andrew John (2022). Flipped classroom - en utforskende metode i et informasjonssamfunn?
  • Hafstad, Sigrun Staal & Olandersson, Cecilie (2022). Observasjon som redskap for kompetanseutvikling.
  • Hafstad, Sigrun Staal & Olandersson, Cecilie (2022). Video-based observation and Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) as tools for teacher's competency development​ - Teachers' experiences.
  • Olandersson, Cecilie & Fylkesnes, Sandra (2021). School leaders as policy actors: A Norwegian decentralization context.
  • Brynildsen, Stine; Olandersson, Cecilie & Hagelia, Marianne (2021). S4- Episode 6: Digital studieteknikk. [Internet]. Wordpress/ SoundCloud.
  • Brynildsen, Stine & Olandersson, Cecilie (2021). S4 - Episode 4: Vurdering for læring. Hva er nyttige og mindre nyttige tilbakemeldinger? [Internet]. Wordpress/ SoundCloud.
  • Brynildsen, Stine; Olandersson, Cecilie & Arntzen, Ragnar (2021). S4 - Episode 5: Flerspråklighet og norsk som andrespråk. [Internet]. Wordpress/ SoundCloud.
  • Brynildsen, Stine & Olandersson, Cecilie (2021). S4 - Episode 1: En norsklærers kommunikasjonsbekjennelser. [Internet]. Wordpress/ SoundCloud.
  • Brynildsen, Stine & Olandersson, Cecilie (2021). S4 - Episode 2: Litteratur og livsmestring. [Internet]. Wordpress/ SoundCloud.

View all works in Cristin

Published May 28, 2020 12:30 PM - Last modified May 15, 2024 9:43 AM