Karla Vrbova

Norwegian version of this page Faculty of Teacher Education and Languages
Norwegian version of this page Position
Doctoral Research Fellow
Contact Study place
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Academic interests

  • Language teaching
  • Use of technology and AI in language education
  • Formative feedback
  • Teacher’s professional digital competence

Courses taught

  • 2022 – 23

    LMUENG10417: ENG 104 Culture, Society, Literature in the English-speaking world (5-10) (Fall 2022)  - cotaught

    LMUENG 10221: ENG 102 Culture, Society, Literature in the English-speaking world (5-10) (Spring 2023)

PhD project

Short description

My PhD project is a part of the research project AI4AfL. This is an interdisciplinary project that focuses on the use of artificial intelligence in feedback on written work by students in junior high school. The working title of my project is Learning to Write.

The projects make use of the same data that is collected by the AI4AfL project – these are students' written work and the feedback generated by the program EAT in addition to the feedback provided by teachers, videos from the classroom, interviews with students and teachers.

Research questions

  1. How do students develop their writing skills through the use of automated feedback in a cooperative setting?
  2. What role does the teacher’s professional digital competence play when using individually tailored feedback in the classroom?
  3. How do students develop their writing skills in the interactions with the teacher and automated feedback over a period of three years?


The main focus of my project is to research the possibility of reducing the gap between the reality of Assessment for Learning in the classroom and the ideal of Assessment for Learning in pedagogical theories and to give the teacher a bigger scope through the use of automated feedback. Can this feedback support the students in their writing process and thus create more room for the teacher to support students in their writing process?


Work experience

  • 2022 – 2023 Assistant Professor, Fremmedspråksenteret (Høgskolen i Østfold)
  • 2021 – 2022 Teacher, Råholt ungdomsskole
  • 2016 – 2022 Teacher, Vadsø videregående skole
  • 2012 – 2016 Teacher, Vadsø ungdomsskole
  • 2010 – 2012 Teacher, Vestre Jakobselv skole


  • June 2021 Profesjonsfaglig Digital Kompetanse, Høgskolen i Østfold
  • June 2019 Master of Philosophy in English Linguistics, Universitet i Tromsø
  • January 2013 Praktisk-Pedagogisk Eksamen, Universitet i Tromsø
  • February 2007 Bachelor i kultur og samfunnsfag, Universitet i Tromsø


Published July 25, 2022 1:19 PM - Last modified Oct. 20, 2023 8:30 AM