Ongoing project

Intern Abroad

Learning business cultures through summer practices - An InternshipAbroad program with Beijing Jiaotong University

The project is supported by The Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education (DIKU, also named previously as SIU).

The project is scheduling for January 2019- December 2020

The project´s university partner is Beijing Jiaotong University

The project´s campany partner was originally appointed with Shandong TRYWOW Heat Pump Technology Co., Ltd. lately changed to BJTU internal partners, due to special circumstances.

See the project presentation here.

See project progress and current activities updating here.


Expected results relevant to project operation

  • 2 OUC students conducting internship placement in 2019
  • 3 OUC students conducting internship placement in 2020
  • Placement scheduled July or August in 2019 and 2020 respectively

The project goal:

  • Sampling good cases of teaching Norwegian students about Chinese business cultures through internship practices.
  • Sampling BJTU supportive courses and project coaching in addition to the internship.

Expected results:

  • Establishing good and reliable network with a hosting company or organization for internship Norwegian student placement.
  • Collecting experiences, good samples and beneficial cases for internship candidates and for the hosting company.
  • Motivating and promoting more Norwegian engineering students aiming toward China and learning Chinese business cultures as one of essential engineering skills.

More project information comes and updates,……


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Published Mar. 2, 2020 9:45 AM - Last modified Feb. 26, 2022 9:11 PM