Pågående prosjekt

Designing Mobile Interactions

The project presents Stigberg's academic inquiry into the question of how to design for meaningful mobile interactions. Her dissertation aims at developing tools and techniques, based on active participation and situated use, for designing improved mobile interfaces. It has been developed using a Research through Design approach, in which Stigberg has conducted experimental design work in order to investigate and experiment with active participation and situated use to scaffold mobile design inquiry. The results of her PhD work are published as seven separate papers, submitted to esteemed journals and conferences within the field of interaction design and HCI.

Probing Privacy in Practice

A technology probe about running and sharing instant video to social media

Mobile Hand Gesture Toolkit

The mobile hand gesture toolkit affords inclusion of non-programmers into the co-design process for mobile interaction interfaces.



Publisert 5. mai 2020 14:17 - Sist endret 16. sep. 2021 11:39