Mobile Hand Gesture toolkit

I presented a poster called Mobile Hand Gesture Toolkit: Co-Designing Mobile Interaction Interfaces at DIS 2017 in Edinburgh. DIS stands for Designing Interactive Systems and is an annual conference owned by the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI). DIS brings together  designers, artists, psychologists, user experience researchers, systems engineers, and many more,  to debate and shape the future of interactive systems design and practice.

Poster presentation at DIS 2017
Poster presentation at DIS 2017

This poster presents a mobile hand gesture toolkit enabling the co-design of mobile interaction interfaces for runners. Runners are using smart phones for exercising more than ever before. However previous research has shown that mobile devices are not suitable for interactions in motion. This poster presents a method to probe such interactions for and with runners using a participatory design approach. We demonstrate in a pilot design workshop how participants can tell their mobile interaction story, make their own mobile hand gesture interface, and enact their story using their created artifacts. These artifacts are functional and used in the participants’ everyday workouts. The participants can revise them as an ongoing practice of design-in-use.

Publisert 7. mai 2020 11:10 - Sist endret 13. mai 2022 10:06