Norwegian version of this page
Ongoing project

Designing virtual simulation in support of collaborative work

Private and public healthcare providers, like Østfold Hospital Trust in Norway, have in recent years invested in game technology to support the training on medical procedures, including developing and using virtual simulations as training applications for health practitioners. Studies show that virtual simulations offer immersion and familiarity, which can increase engagement and motivation for this type of training.

Player are collaborating with the virtual trombolysis team. Screen dump from prototype developed by Attensi for Østfold Hospita Trust.

In this project, the research fellow focus on the research and development of virtual simulations for supporting interprofessional collaboration between medical practitioners, and the different challenges related to time and safety critical work were practitioners must adapt standardized routines to accommodate different contingencies. We will explore how virtual task trainers simulating routines can improve treatment and increase patient safety, and how these simulations can support seamless collaboration between simultaneous users, hoping that this can provide learning opportunities by raising the awareness of coordination between interprofessional practitioners.

Multiple studies show that virtual simulations can support training on medical procedures. There are however no explicit agreed upon conventions on how to best design these systems. This project therefor aims to inform about challenges and solutions regarding the design of virtual simulations that support training on time and safety critical collaboration, where practitioners must adapt standardized procedures to different situations and contingencies. Further, the project will give implications for the design of multiuser virtual simulations, where simultaneous users collaborate within the simulation to perform joint tasks. The main goal of this project is to generate knew knowledge about challenges related to awareness, situated action and contingencies, and collaboration within virtual simulations, and how to best design virtual training applications to accommodate for these challenges.

Project timeframe: January 2020 – December 2022

The project is a joint endeavor between multiple partners;

  • The Design of Information System (DESIGN) group at the University of Oslo
  • The division of Visual Interface Technologies at the Institute for Energy Technology (IFE)
  • Østfold Hospital Trust in Norway
  • The center for simulation and innovation (SSI) at the Faculty of Health and Welfare (HiØ).




Published May 18, 2020 3:47 PM - Last modified Apr. 22, 2022 7:05 PM