A Scottish perspective on gender inclusive languages education

Bli med på webinar 05.12.22: A Scottish perspective on gender inclusive languages education
Foredragsholdere er Lynne Jones og Suzanne Ritchie

(Se også gjerne våre andre kommende webinarer)


In this webinar you will hear from Lynne and Suzanne, two teachers working in Scotland, about our journey to widen the professional dialogue around inclusive languages education.
More specifically, we will explore the changing landscape around gender inclusive language. We will compare it to other societal changes in language use, and discuss the factors for consideration when integrating gender inclusive language into teaching practice.
You will also have the opportunity to share your own experiences from the Norwegian context.

In advance of the webinar, you are invited to engage with gender & language [https://graphics.reuters.com/GENDER-LANGUAGE/LGBT/mopanqoelva/], a Reuters Graphics interactive article by Minami Funakoshi and Samuel Granados.
Lynne Jones

Lynne is a primary teacher and languages graduate. Prior to joining SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages as a Professional Development Officer in 2012, Lynne taught in schools in Scotland, England and France for over 20 years. She is an Associate Tutor at the University of Edinburgh and a doctoral student at the University of Strathclyde, researching how teacher leadership is understood and experienced in Scotland.
Suzanne Ritchie

Suzanne joined SCILT as a Professional Development Officer in October 2021. She is a secondary school language teacher with a passion for opening young people’s eyes to the multicultural world around them and for teaching language in a way that truly reflects the world around us.


Publisert 1. des. 2022 19:43 - Sist endret 22. jan. 2024 12:32