First aid

In this teaching projects the pupils choose a first aid case as a starting point for their work.

Kort beskrivelse

In this teaching projects the pupils choose a first aid case as a starting point for their work. They work in groups of three and have to make a list of words that they will need in order to describe and act out their case. The main focus is on oral competence, but they will also make a detailed desription in writing of how to treat an injured person.

Ideas for peer assessment and followup activities are included.



Muntlig kommunikasjon

  • forstå og bruke et bredt generelt ordforråd og et faglig ordforråd knyttet til eget utdanningsprogram
  • uttrykke seg på en nyansert og presis måte med god flyt og sammenheng, tilpasset formål og situasjon

Skriftlig kommunikasjon

  • skrive ulike typer tekster med struktur og sammenheng, tilpasset formål og situasjon
  • lese for å tilegne seg fagkunnskaper fra eget utdanningsprogram

Vg1 Helse og oppvekstfag

Helsefremjande arbeid

  • demonstrere førstehjelp som er relevant for helsefagarbeideren


  • The pupils should be able to carry out basic first aid and explain what they do and why they do it in English.


Some first aid remedies, such as bandages/dressings and masks for mouth to mouth.


  • The pupils have learnt about first aid in their programme lessons.
  • Teacher: Copy handouts for the pupils (see Ressurser)and check Internet links.


  1.  Work in groups of 3 students

Choose a first aid case.

  • which means that an accident or a lifethreatening situation has occurred and someone has been injured and is in desperate need of help.
  • Examples of such cases:
  • heart failure/heart attack
  • car accident with various kinds of injuries
  • drowning you find a lifeless person in the water
  • someone having been in a fire and been seriously burned
  • someone has broken a leg
  • someone has been skiing and injured his/her neck
  • you find an unconscious person outside on a cold day
  • someone has had an accident bicycling and suffers from arterial bleeding
  • someone has got an object in his/her throat and can’t breathe
  • someone suffers from internal bleeding

Feel free to make your own cases as well.

  1. Vocabulary list: make a list of words that you will need in order to describe and act out your case. Use the internet links for help.
  2. Describe the situation. What do you see when you come to the place of the accident/injury?
  3. Given the nature of your case, what is the first thing you have to do?
  4. As a first aider, what will you do to help the person who is injured or suffers from a life threatening situation? Make a detailed description (instruction) of how you would treat the injured person.

Practice and act out the case in your group.

Refleksjon og vurdering

Peer assessment:

  • Was the first aid procedures carried out satisfactorily?
  • Did the group explain what they did and why they did it in a clear and satisfactory manner?
  • What can be improved?

Teacher gives the groups a mark for the content and oral performance using the same criteria as for peer assessment.


You will present your case to another group and ask them what they would have done in such a situation. Then teach them what to do if they don’t know. You will also teach them the vocabulary they need to use in English.


It was easy to motivate the students to work on this project and act out their cases.

Utarbeidelse av opplegg

Jan Espen Andresen, Gjøvik vgs.

Et FYRopplegg utarbeidet i samarbeid med Fremmedspråksenteret. 


Publisert 13. des. 2018 13:03 - Sist endret 8. juni 2021 13:06