Norwegian version of this page

Checklist for new students

1. Accept your offer of admission

After you have received an offer of admission in Søknadsweb, you have to accept within the deadline stated in your admission letter. If you do not respond within the given deadline, you will lose your offer of admission.

2. Set a password to access digital platforms

3. Set up MFA and login to your e-mail account

4. Register in Studentweb

5. Stay updated on important messages regarding courses and teaching

Some lectures may be digital. Information will be given on the learning platform Canvas.

6. Download Student ID app and get your Student identity card

7. Get to know the IT Support Pages and Library Web Pages

8. Loans and grants for study in Norway- information for students who are an EEA or EFTA citizen

Are you a norwegian student? See the check list for norwegian students.

Published Apr. 28, 2021 11:56 AM - Last modified May 3, 2024 2:43 PM