
An online application and all required documents must be submitted using HiØ’s application portal.
Admission is based on formal education and entrance test.

When to apply

Extended deadline: 15th of January

Ordinary deadline: 1st of November - 1st of December

  • Applicants residing outside the EU/EEA
  • Applicants residing in the EU/EEA
  • Applicants residing in Norway/the Nordic region

Requirements for admission

Academic requirement:

A bachelor’s degree or an equivalent education of at least 180 ECTS credits in scenography, architecture, visual art, the performing arts or other relevant artistic education at bachelor's level.

Applicants who do not have a bachelor's degree in scenography or architecture must document their skills and abilities to communicate projects by means of drawings, models, photography or other media.

Applicants without relevant bachelor's degree, but who can document other relevant education and/or practical training/work competence, may also apply for admission if their prior learning has been pre-approved. The pre-approval must be uploaded in the application.

The application is to be submitted in English and must contain:

  1.  Project Proposal: an outline of the topic or area relating to scenography that you wish to investigate and explore artistically for your MA research, emerging from your current practice(s) and interests. Apart from text, the outline may include 2 pages of other material such as sketches, photography, literature and/or video or sound files of max 5 minutes in length.In the proposal, please mention why you wish to pursue a MA in Scenography at NTA, what this programme would mean for your artistic development and your motivation to explore and subsequently implement a project. Additionally, please contextualize your intended project in terms of its relevance for the field, in writing and in form of visual references to three art works (performing arts, visual arts, architecture, film, etc.). (2-4 pages total.)
  2. Documentation of artistic work (portfolio) focusing on the last 5 years (Max 15 pages in A4 format.) Describe in each presented work: your role, the type of production, the content, the year and the context in which they were produced.
  3. Curriculum Vitae.

Please note that all applicants who meet the formal requirements listed above must also pass entrance tests.

Admission process

Admission is based on entrance test consisting of 3 phases that is assessed by a jury.
The local admissions committee is responsible for the final approval of the jury’s recommendation. Please find additional information about the entrance test here.

How do you apply

  • Getting started
    • All applicants must register their application in SøknadsWeb.

      The first step in applying to Østfold University College is logging into SøknadsWeb. When you come to the login page, choose your preferred login method.

  • My Profile
    • Applicants must fill out all of the requested information. It is important that you make sure all provided information regarding your personal information is correct.

      When you are satisfied that the information is correctly entered, click on ‘Next’.

  • Choose Admission
    • Select the desired category from the list and read carefully the information provided. Choose the study you wish to apply for from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the page.

      Click on ‘Next’ when you are finished.

  • Documentation
    • In order for the Admissions Office to process your application, applicants must upload all required documents in SøknadsWeb. You can upload your documents by clicking on ‘My Documents’ in the menu at the top of the page. This is where you can see what you have uploaded as well as upload new documents. Documents should be uploaded as soon as possible and no later than the documentation submission deadline. Documents sent in the mail or by e-mail will not be considered or returned.

      You will find information online about Østfold University College’s documentation requirements.

  • Receipt
    • All applicants are sent a receipt via e-mail confirming that the application was received. A receipt can also be viewed in SøknadsWeb under ‘My applications’ in the menu at the top of the page.
  • Communication
    • All correspondence from the Admissions Office regarding applications will be done via e-mail. It is important that you register your correct e-mail address in your application and that you check your spam folder if you have, for example, not received the receipt from your application submission.

      Remember to check your email frequently throughout the application period.

  • Admission Decision
    • Admission decisions are sent out via e-mail and published in SøknadsWeb. If you receive an offer of admission, you must respond in SøknadsWeb to the offer within the deadline noted in your admission offer. Should you not respond within the deadline, the offer will then be given to another applicant.
  • Tuition fees 
    • For international students with citizenship from countries outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland must pay tuition fees to Østfold University Collage. Read more here