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Login for our services

Login with Feide was deactivated on the 21st. of February 2023 and was replaced with login using work- or school account.

Choosing Your Affiliation

When signing in through Feide you will sometimes be asked for affiliation.
If this is the case, use "Høgskolen i Østfold" or "Østfold University College", depending on the language set in your browser.
Bilde som viser valg av tilhørighet i Feide

Using Work or School Account

The traditional Feide sign in has been replaced with "work- or school account" login through Microsoft.

  1. Click the button "Use work- or school account" in Feide.
    Bilde som viser knapp "Bruk arbeids- eller skolekonto" i Feide
  2. This will redirect you to Microsoft where you can sign in with
    If you don't remember your username, you can find this in the Password services.
    Bilde som viser påloggingskjermbilde gjennom Microsoft
  3. Then enter your password, this is the same password that you previously used in Feide.
    If you don't remember your password, you can change it in the Password services.Bilde som viser passordfelt ved pålogging

    If it has been a long time since you last signed in through Microsoft on your device, you will be asked to verify the sign in using the Authenticator mobile app.
    Enter the numbers shown on screen in your Authenticator app to finish signing in.
    If you don't already have the Authenticator app set up, you will be asked to configure it here, click this link to see our guide.
    Bilde som viser 2-faktor forespørsel ved pålogging

In case of problems

If you have a machine from another institution or employer, this may result in you being automatically logged into another account.
To avoid this, you can use a different browser than what you normally use, or by going to, clicking on your profile picture in the upper right corner and selecting "Sign in with a different account". You can then choose what account to use when signing in.

Published Feb. 22, 2023 8:48 AM - Last modified Mar. 9, 2023 2:49 PM