SFB50414 Intercultural Communication (Vår 2018)

Fakta om emnet

Ansvarlig avdeling:
Fakultet for informasjonsteknologi, ingeniørfag og økonomi
Jutta Eschenbach
½ år

Emnet er tilknyttet følgende studieprogram

  • Mandatory course in Bachelor's Programme in International Communication
  • Specialisation course in Bachelor's Programme in Business Administration, specialisation: International Communication
  • Optional course in
    • Bachelor's Programme in Society, Language and Culture


  • Bachelor's Programme in International Communication: 2nd semester (spring)
  • Bachelor's Programme in Business Administration, specialisation: International Communication: 6th semester (spring)
  • Bachelor's Programme in Society, Language and Culture: 4th or 6th semester (spring)

Studentens læringsutbytte etter bestått emne

The candidates have gained knowledge of aspects of language and culture that may influence and hamper communication between people from different cultures (non-verbal communication, language functions, context, prejudice, stereotypes, world view, values, norms and ethics).

The candidates are familiar with methods and principles of how to compare their own culture with other cultures and identify potential causes of non-functioning communication.

General competence
The candidates have general intercultural competence.


  • Elementary social anthropology
  • Other relevant topics within the field of intercultural communication
  • Theories of how to compare cultures
  • Analysis of communication situations applying various theories

Undervisnings- og læringsformer

Lectures and seminars in English.


The course will give the student approximately 280 hours of work.

Arbeidskrav - vilkår for å avlegge eksamen

  • One oral presentation
  • One written assignment

All coursework must be completed at given deadlines and approved before signing up for the final exam.


Oral indiviual examination of approx. 30 minutes.
No aids permitted. Assessment on the A-F grading scale.

Evaluering av emnet

The course is evaluated by the students each semester. The result of the evaluation is reported to the faculty's committee for study quality.


The reading list is updated November 11, 2017.

  • Samovar, L. A., Porter, R. E. & McDaniel, E. R. (2017). Communication between Cultures. Australia: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning. (Earlier editions will work as well)
  • Hofstede, Geert, Hofstede, Gert Jan & Minkov, Michael (2010). Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind: Intercultural Cooperation and its Importance for Survival. New York: McGraw-Hill. (Chapters 1, 3-7).
  • Compendium (electronic).
  • Course material handed out in class and/or posted on the learning platform.
Sist hentet fra Felles Studentsystem (FS) 18. juli 2024 02:56:41