SFS10714 Utfordringer fra menneskerettighetene, folkehelsa og sosiale- og velferdstjenestene for lokalt demokrati i Østersjøområd (Vår 2014)

Fakta om emnet

Ansvarlig avdeling:
Avdeling for økonomi, språk og samfunnsfag
Geir C. Tufte
½ år

Emnet er tilknyttet følgende studieprogram

Optional course for students taking part in Bachelor of Arts in Society, Language and Culture at Østfold University College. Optional also for other students at Østfold University College and for students accepted by the five other partner institutions within the IP programme. The maximum number of students is set to 30. Each partner institution has the right to accept five (5) students who fulfil the requirements of the course.

Forkunnskapskrav utover opptakskrav

Minimum 30 ects of topics related to public policy and 30 ects related to public administration/social work or having a solid background from at least five years in this field as administrator or politician. A good working knowledge of written and oral English (at least B level). Students on master programmes within the fields of human rights, public health, social work, and public administration can apply, but students on bachelor programmes are prioritized.


Spring semester: 31 March - 11 April 2014.

Studentens læringsutbytte etter bestått emne

The students have obtained substantial knowledge of- and analytical competence regarding:
-theories of local government
-organization of local governments

Students can describe current challenges for local governments in Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland and  Sweden.
They are familiar with policies of social security and care for older people in perspectives of human rights and public health/human security in the five countries mentioned above.

Students have improved their intercuktural competence


Theories of local government, organization of local governments and current challenges for local governments in Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland and Sweden.

Human rights, public health/human security in contexts of the five countries mentioned above.

Policies of social security and care for older people described and analysed in perspectives of human rights and public health/human security in the five countries mentioned above.

Undervisnings- og læringsformer

Lectures, seminars and discussions.
The course consists of two weeks with lectures, seminars, discussions and individual work.


Approximately 280 hours

Arbeidskrav - vilkår for å avlegge eksamen



The exam is made up of an individual assignment of 5900-6100 words.

The topic of the assignment hasto be approved by one of the lecturers involved in the course. Deadline for delivery of assignment is set to 1 July 2014.
The assignment has to be written in English.
A final mark is given according to a five-point scale; A to F,
where A is best and F is not passed.
Grade a to E on the assignment gives the
student 10 ECTS from Østfold University College. 

Evaluering av emnet

The course is evaluated at the end of the course.


All course literature is available in full text via the website of the course. Changes in the literature list may happen before the course commences. The students have access to all library facilities at their home institution.

 Kjørstad, M. and Tufte, G.C. (Eds.) (2013). Challenges from an ageing population: Legality, professionalism and practical ethics in care for older people in Latvia, Lithuania and Norway.  Riga, Zinatne. 150 p. Available at: http://www.ostfoldhelsa.no/files/B1-5_b18_20130218_EU-survey.pdf

 Østfoldhelsa (2013). HEPROGRESS HEALTH PROFILE 2011-2012. Sarpsborg; Østfold fylkeskommune. 70 p.

 Selected articles:

 G. C. Tufte, C. Bjørkquist, I. Reinholde (2013). Addressing 'health in all policies' through regional and local authorities - results from Latvia and Norway. Halden, Østfold University College (unpublished).

 G. C. Tufte and Maria Wolmesjö (2013). Public Health Organization and Participation  at Regional and Local level. Contemporary Examples from Norway and Sweden. Halden, Østfold University College (unpublished).

 1000 pages of course literature altogether. 600 pages are in English and approved by the course administrator. 400 pages can be written in the student's national language by approval of one of the partner institutions.

Sist hentet fra Felles Studentsystem (FS) 18. juli 2024 02:55:22