SFB11507 Internasjonal markedsføring (Høst 2008)

Fakta om emnet

Ansvarlig avdeling:
Avdeling for økonomi, språk og samfunnsfag
Ulf Ombustvedt
½ år

Emnet er tilknyttet følgende studieprogram

Compulsory for students on the Bachelor in International Business programme. Optional for other bachelor programme students.

Forkunnskapskrav utover opptakskrav

Based on SFB10502 Marketing and Business Strategy or the equivalent.


Autumn semester.


The planning process in international marketing is central to the course: Analysis of market potential, choice of country and markets, choice of marketing strategy regarding geographical expansion, positioning and market entry, adaptation of product, price and communication mix to multinational environments. Other topics are: International competitiveness and internationalisation process. Distribution channels abroad. Mapping international environments. Cultural adaptation. E-marketing in the global market. Selected problems from export financing and export logistics. Export promotion policies.
A global market perspective is the point of departure, but with a certain focus on the European countries as the main market region for Norwegian companies.

Undervisnings- og læringsformer

Lectures, group work, tutorials. The course is taught in English.

Arbeidskrav - vilkår for å avlegge eksamen

Two group assignments during the semester, approved by the course instructor, are prerequisites for the final individual examination.


A 4-hour written individual examination. Aids allowed: Mother tongue - English - mother tongue dictionary. Grades: A-F.


Albaum, Gerald, Edwin Duerr, Jesper Strandskov (2008). International Marketing and Export Management. 6th ed. Harlow: Financial Times / Prentice Hall. 736 s.
Sist hentet fra Felles Studentsystem (FS) 18. juli 2024 02:53:18