Arrangementer - Side 14


June 2-4 + June 9-11: The bachelor students in scenography and acting show their graduation performance directed by Agder Nye Teater. There will be three performances at NTA in Fredrikstad (free tickets) and three performances at Nationaltheatret in Oslo (ticket fee).


May 26-27: During spring 2022, NTA's graduating bachelor students invite you to their Final Independent Productions 2022. Come join us for a visit to Bear and Squirrel's house for Anna's solo performance.


May 26: During spring 2022, NTA's graduating bachelor students invite you to their Final Independent Productions 2022. Come join us for Oda's exhibition about her research on how to use clowning and scenography together, after her collaboration with Haugeåsen Junior High School during these last weeks.

Tid og sted: , Litteraturhuset i Fredrikstad

Ledere i offentlig sektor bør ha tekniske ferdigheter, vise evne til empati og ha sosiale ferdigheter, forstå kulturen i virksomheten og verdsette mangfoldet blant sine medarbeidere og brukere. Hvordan er det mulig å lykkes med alt dette?


May 20: MA in Performance student Luanda Carneiro Jacoel's final MA production at Scenehuset in Oslo.

Tid og sted: , Biblioteket campus Halden

Våren 2022 er det 80 år siden lederne for den norske skolefronten møttes på Hartvig Nissen skole i Oslo. Hensikten med møtet var å utvikle en samlet motstandslinje mot Quisling-regjeringens fremstøt for å ensrette den norske skolen etter nazistisk modell.

Tid og sted: , Høgskolen i Østfold

Velkommen til nasjonal praksiskonferanse for BSV-utdanningene

Fristen for påmelding var onsdag 27. april kl. 15.00


May 18-19: During spring 2022, NTA's graduating bachelor students invite you to their Final Independent Productions 2022. Come join us for a walk into the woods with Trym for his solo performance.


May 10: MA in Performance student Cecilio Orozco's final MA production at Frogner Kino in Oslo.


May 7: MA in Performance student Mari Pitkänen presents phase 1 of her MA research in Fredrikstad.


May 7: MA in Performance student Stefan Andersson's final MA production at Byferga in Fredrikstad.

Tid og sted: , Østfold University College, Campus Fredrikstad, Auditorium H-113

Cybersecurity is here to stay and with it, there is the neverending possibility of cyber attacks and breaches in privacy and confidentiality.

You are cordially invited to our seminar to learn how cybersecurity affects businesses and organisations, what we have learned, how we can prepare, and the translational potentials of ongoing research. 

Tid og sted: , Campus Fredrikstad, H-113 Auditorium

Invitation to a seminar for faculty and research fellows at Østfold University College.

Cybersecurity is here to stay and with it, there is the never-ending possibility of cyber-attacks and breaches in privacy and confidentiality.

You are cordially invited to come and learn how cybersecurity affects us all, what we have learned, how we can prepare, and the translational potentials of ongoing research and teaching.


May 6-7: MA in Scenography student Meira Del Busto's final MA production in Fredrikstad.


May 6: MA in Performance student Nicolaj Wamberg's final MA production at Scenehuset in Oslo.

Tid og sted: , Litteraturhuset i Fredrikstad

FOREDRAG. De små, svarte fluene som svirrer rundt på kjøkkenet vårt er en plage for oss alle. Like sikkert som at høsten kommer, entrer også bananfluene norske kjøkken.

Tid og sted: , Fredrikstad, rom M-111 (streames også)

Neste høgskolestyremøte avholdes torsdag 05.05.2022.

Tid og sted: , Studiested Halden, rom E1-074 og E1-065

På dette spennende seminarer presenteres kapitlene i en antologi om temaet overgangen mellom barnehage og ungdomsskole. 


May 2: MA in Scenography student Olga Regitze Dyrløv Høegh's final MA production at Overgaden in Copenhagen.