Unlock The City! : First Norwegian Public Presentation

Thursday 15th February 2024 was organised the first public presentation of the EU Culture project UNLOCK THE CITY! Theatre as a tool to re-think the landscape of the post-pandemic city.


On 15th and 16th February 2024, Østfold University College - Norwegian Theatre Academy hosted an international meeting with 14 participants from 5 European countries (Belgium, Italy, Czech Republic, Romania and Spain), all collaborating to three-year EU project entitled UNLOCK THE CITY!

Led by Piccolo Teatro Milano, the project is a collaboration between 4 European theatres, and 3 European academies and universities (Teatre Lliure of Barcelona, Teatrul Tineretului of Piatra Neamț and Toneelhuis of Antwerp, Piccolo Teatro Milano, Politecnico di Milano and the Academy of Performing Arts of Prague and of course, HIØ). 

Over the course of the 36 months, thanks to a close collaboration between artists, theatre operators, students, university professors and experts (both local and international) on a range of disciplines, the project intends to reflect on theatre as a tool to re-think the landscape of the post-pandemic city and, in particular, how to take on the concept of “limit” in urban terms thus developing an integrated working method - in which theatre hybridises with scientific research. Østfold University College - Norwegian Theatre Academy is co-leading the “Structure and Research” activities, and is also organizing extracurricular workshops in order to offer NTA students the possibility to actively take part in Creative LABS and FIELDWORK LABS in the other countries.

For more information on the project: https://www.unlockthecity.eu/en/

UNLOCK THE CITY is NTA´s 3rd participation into a vast Culture Europe EU project.





Sage Canellis
Tags: presentation, European project, city
Published Feb. 7, 2024 1:48 PM - Last modified Apr. 2, 2024 4:50 PM