FieldworkLAB Piatra Neamt

The second FieldworkLAB took place in Piatra Neamt!

Photo: Ana Maria Calistru

Photo: Ana Maria Calistru

Irina Komissarova and Lisa Birkenbach, both MA Scenography students from the Norwegian Academy of Theatre (Høgskolen i Ostfold) explored the urban context and the community in Piatra Neamt, under the coordination of Professor Jacob Oredsson.

The workshop Mapping Communities involved also six students from the Art High School 'Victor Brauner' in Piatra Neamt. The main focus of the second FieldworkLAB was the rediscovery of common places in the city of Piatra Neamt, common places, daily transited places, public spaces where pupils gather, invisible spaces. The meeting was filled with enthusiasm and the art high school pupils were mesmerized by the new meanings discovered in familiar spaces.

Jakob Oredsson and Lisa Birkenbach (Photo: Ana Maria Calistru)

Lisa and Jakob with the students visiting the city (Photo: Ana Maria Calistru)

Our guests were excellent company, people with amazing imagination and creativity. They managed to turn some banal places into points of inspiration, of potential. The way I look at art is a completely new one for me. It was and will remain a great source of inspiration. The only thing I lacked was time, but the fact that I say this shows the quality of the moments I spent with them." (Olarasu Ioana, 18 year)


“I learned that any place, no matter how ugly it may seem at first glance, can be transformed with the help of art into an important and beautiful place for the community.” (Ioana Constandes, 18 year)


We felt that we were the future and that trying to change something made sense.” (Sarah Aflorii, 17 year)

Here one of the student participating to the project (Photo: Ana Maria Calistru)

Personally, I consider this project and this experience beneficial first of all for our city and secondly for us, because we met new people with the same interests, who want to change the city of Piatra Neamt for the better.” (Bianca Obreja, 17 year) 


"Our trainers have a very vast experience, which they shared with us and which helped me to see things in a different way than I have seen them so far. This experience will definitely help me in my artistic life. It was a very interesting project that I would take part in again anytime. Thank you!" (Antonia Oborocea, 18 year)

Irina Komissarova and Jakob Oredsson (Photo: Ana Maria Calistru)

More to come on!


UNLOCK THE CITY! is co-funded by the European Union @CreativeEuropeEU

The partners: @PiccoloTeatro @teatrelliure @teatrultineretului.piatraneamt @Toneelhuis @amupraha @alterna.damu @norwegiantheatreacademy @DastuPolitecnicoMilano 

The artists: @marta.cuscuna #DavideCarnevali #AlexandraLaudo @maioarchitects @irina.moscu @bogdan.zamfir @Daniel.i.chirila @ThomasVerstraeten @MartHa!tentatief 

The dramaturgs: #LudvikPiza #JanaStárková

Photo: Ana Maria Calistru


Tags: unlockthecity, creativeeurope, CreativeEuropeEU
Published Apr. 2, 2024 3:28 PM - Last modified Apr. 3, 2024 11:28 AM