Archives of Nordic Participation in Trans-Atlantic Slavery :

Spectral  Collaborations:  Performative Entanglement  in  the  Archives  of  Nordic Participation  in  Trans-Atlantic Slavery” is the title of NTA´s new Artistic Research project - that has been selected by VETENSKAPSRÅDET (Research Council of Sweden) to be funded for the period 01.01.2019- 31.03.2020 in the call NOS-HS Workshops  2018  (Humanities  and  Social  Sciences).

spectral collaborations map

The project led by Prof. Karmenlara Ely, concretely  investigate  concepts  for  new  methods  of  performative  historiography  in  scenography  and performance  practices,  through  archival  materials,  traces  and  mythopoetic  facts  emerging  from  Nordic involvement  in  the  Trans Atlantic  slave  trade.  The project is concentrated around 3 workshops that will take place in 3 different locations; here in Norway, in Copenhagen and in Trinidad  and  Tobago. 

Several researchers  are invited to participate to the project to gather, collect , explore and further investigate  both  primary  archival  materials , normative  notions  of  presence  and  absence,  representation,  ideas  of  permanence  and  formal  aspects  of memorial  making. The  meetings  will  not  only  be discursive  but  engage  in  sharing  sensory  practices  and  methods  for  artistic  research.

For more information please contact, the artistic research producer of the project Sage Canellis 



Published Dec. 7, 2018 11:04 AM - Last modified Mar. 28, 2023 2:49 PM