Material Strategies Seminar

Welcome to the seminar on Material Strategies in the arts. The seminar forms one part of the Artistic Research Project Material Strategies funded by the Norwegian Program for Artistic Research and Norwegian Theatre Academy/ Østfold University College. The project is led by Professor Camilla Eeg-Tverbakk.

In this research project we want to look into ways of practicing materiality in relation to artistic processes of creation. With reference to New Materialism’s ethical call to relate to material in ways that demand another kind of listening and interaction with matter, this research project will investigate the consequences for performance practices.

Questions of ethics are raised through debates about appropriation, authorship, and power. How does a materialist view affect subject formations, our relationships to our environments, and human activity?

Material Strategies investigates voice and body as material in relation to spaces, architecture and objects. How can we as artists to a greater extent listen to the agency of the material and co create with it, letting go of control and authorship? How are bodies, emotions, visions and memories shaped by things and environments we interact with? How are performative and material practices articulating the embodied nature of memory in relations between bodies, voices, objects and spaces?

We will examine voice and sound as material, connected to transformative subject formations being shaped and reshaped in dialogue with the surroundings (space and objects). Is the voice, when materializing different traditions and techniques, connecting past and present, living and dead and animate and inanimate?

The two day seminar presents the following speakers and artists:

Singer and composer Niko Valkepää (NO)
Dr. Rick Dolphijn from the University of Utrecht (NL)
Artist and researcher Luis Sotelo from Concordia University/ Canada (Colombia/ Canada)
Independent researcher Sidsel Graffer (NO)
Architect Andreas Thiele (Germany)
Professor in Scenography Serge von Arx (SW/NO)
Dancer and Choreographer Per Roar (NO)
Singer and composer Øystein Elle (NO)
Actor and Associate Professor in voice studies Electa Behrens (US/NO)
Artist Jakob Oredsson (SE)
Artist and research fellow Ingvild Holm (NO)
Dramaturg and professor Camilla Eeg-Tverbakk (NO)


Send an email to our Research Coordinator Patricia Canellis -
Registration fee: NOK 350,- covers lunch both days

The programme is now published. Click here to download it.

Research project site:

Published June 20, 2023 1:58 PM - Last modified Jan. 16, 2024 10:24 AM