

Time and place: , Oslo

Don't miss out on tomorrow's Everything Is Outside - Light works for Elvelangs 2019. Our bachelor students in scenography are currently working in Oslo with Elvelangs, and you can see their (and a lot of other's) work TOMORROW.

Time and place: , Teknisk Museum

Opening of the exhibition 

Time and place: , Norsk Teknisk Museum, Oslo

Save the date! Our artistic research project BLIND SPOT - Staring Down the Void will have an EXHIBITION at Norsk Teknisk Museum from May 24 at 18:00. Hope to see you there!


Blind Spot exhibition

Time and place: , Paris, France

NTA is invited to participate in a festival in Paris in October.

Time and place: , Berlin

Workshop led by choreographer Etienne Guilloteau with Young-Won Song (South Korea), Nefeli Asteriou (Greece) and Emmi Väisänen (Finland) with the participation of HZT students.

Public presentation on Saturday September 29 at 18:00 - Uferstudios, Studio 14- Free Entrance.