Orfeus stiger ner

On Friday 25th January 2019, " Orfeus stiger ner" opened in Dramatens Elverket in Stockholm, where our 3rd year scenography student Miriam Myrthel Pedersen has been an incredibly fabulous director's and scenographer's assistant, and Serge von Arx (artistic director for scenography) was in charge of the scenography.

On Friday 25th January 2019, "Orfeus stiger ner" opened in Dramatens Elverket in Stockholm, where our 3rd year scenography student Miriam Myrthel Pedersen has been an incredibly fabulous director's and scenographer's assistant, and Serge von Arx (artistic director for scenography) was in charge of the scenography.

What Serge says about this new production:

"I consider the stage-set as a further substantiation of my series of "non-scenographies", an ironic title to my continued approach to reduce the built and added structures to a maximum. It also reflects my concerns about the term "site specific" which I consider non-sense in its redundancy; what ever you create in space, if you want it or not, is inevitably first of all bound to its spatial temporal context. In the case of Orfeus here in a former electric power plant, my scenographic grip consists in creating an open space within the space, only by light. I was looking for clearly identified light sources, like industrial ceiling lamps, newly designed vertical fluorescent light stands and neon signs, which stay in dialogue with a few carefully chosen spatial elements of around the 50es in the USA, like an old pinball machine, a juke box, an old telephone and an oversized neon sign."

Here you can see some overall shots of the space.


Published Jan. 26, 2019 2:13 PM - Last modified Jan. 16, 2024 10:21 AM