Positions available

Norwegian Theatre Academy at Østfold University College has vacant positions open in different departments. Read more about the positions and how to apply here.


Østfold University College is together with other universities and university colleges affiliated with the Norwegian Artistic Research Fellowship Programme, PKU, and NTA is now seeking a well-qualified candidate for the programme. The fellow’s artistic research project and its development during the fellowship period is at the core of the program. The goal is to develop artistic competence at a high international level. Within the Norwegian Artistic Research Fellowship Programme, the fellowship period is stipulated to three years, and completion of the programme confers associate professor competence. See the full description of the position and how to apply here.



NTA has a vacancy as Professor for a 60 % position in Scenography. As professor in scenography you will act as the main faculty member coordinating and tutoring activities of the Master in Scenography student group. See the full description of the position and how to apply here.



NTA has a vacancy as Professor/ Associate Professor for a 60 % position in Performance. As our Professor/Associate professor in Performance you will act as the main faculty member tutoring and coordinating activities of MA Performance student group. See the full description of the position and how to apply here.



Den ledige stillingen er lagt til den administrative ledelsen, men har et nært samarbeid med kunstnerisk ledelse i forbindelse med revisjon og utvikling av studieplaner, gjennomføring av opptaksprøver og andre studieadministrative aktiviteter. Se fullstendig utlysningstekst og informasjon om søknadsprossess her.


Published July 11, 2020 3:01 PM - Last modified Jan. 16, 2024 10:23 AM