

Time and place: , Galleri F 15, Moss

October 22-January 22: Go experience NTA's artistic research fellow Jakob Oredsson's exhibition at Galleri F 15 & Momentum in Moss. Symbiotic Stories (Alby Always Already) is part of Oredsson's artistic research project Scenography as Symbiosis at NTA. The project’s research questions interrelate with theories on expanded scenography, challenging this notion from within.

Time and place: , TOU, Stavanger

September 16-18: The first part of NTA research fellow Jakob Oredsson's artistic research project Scenography as Symbiosis will be realized this coming week in Stavanger, Norway. Symbiotic Scenes is a public scenographic work appearing on the gravel plot in front of TOU, Scene 1 and the fjord.