
Norwegian Theatre Academy will be represented at PQ23 through alumni student Olga Regitze Dyrløv Høegh's performative scenography WTM - Walking, Talking Minerals, the Norwegian representation at the Student Exhibition at PQ23.

The archive, if it can be said to be anything at all, is an uncanny potential, like the stage itself. After three years of engaging with Infinite Record: Archive, Memory, Performance, “archive” for Norwegian Theater Academy at Østfold University College now refers to a phenomenon of attention. Infinite Record has amplified the demand to listen to the present, and by responding we can carry forth, transform, or release the reso- nances of the past. This project informed our engagement with the topic of performance and memory such that the notion of “archive” for us now also implies methods of relation, repetition, embodiment, listening, and care, as well as polyphonic acts of overwriting, erasure, and letting go.

At NTA in Fredrikstad, Norway we educate acting and scenography students in contemporary theatre from the undergraduate to post-graduate levels. Students work closely together to generate new original theatre works informed by compositional strategies found in music and architecture. Our practices are based in research, in seeking relationships and potentials produced by theater, and in investigating how performance can engage with both a space and the public via the senses while simultaneously stimulating critical discourse and thought. For almost 20 years the education has invited groundbreaking international guest artists to create unique projects in conjunction with the students.

Norwegian Theatre Academy is one of the 7 partners in a new CREATIVE EUROPE project launched last week in Milan. The title of the project is: "UNLOCK THE CITY! Theatre as tool for post pandemic sustainable transformation of the European urban landscape"

Curious about what we do here at NTA and how the academy looks, feels, and smells? Considering applying for one of our programs? Come meet us on campus Fredrikstad on Tuesday, February 28 between 14:00 and 17:00 for a casual talk or a little house tour!

October 22-January 22: Go experience NTA's artistic research fellow Jakob Oredsson's exhibition at Galleri F 15 & Momentum in Moss. Symbiotic Stories (Alby Always Already) is part of Oredsson's artistic research project Scenography as Symbiosis at NTA. The project’s research questions interrelate with theories on expanded scenography, challenging this notion from within.

October 14-15: We would like to invite you to Edit Kaldor’s two presentations in Fredrikstad, Strangers and Parallel Life, which both have been developed as part of her artistic research fellowship at Norwegian Theatre Academy/Østfold University College.

The bachelor students in scenography and acting show their graduation performance directed by Agder Nye Teater. There will be three performances at NTA in Fredrikstad (free tickets) and three performances at Nationaltheatret in Oslo (ticket fee).