Events - Page 2


Next admission for Master in Scenography and Master in Performance
Application opens: November 1, 2023
Application deadline: January 15, 2024
Start of studies: August, 2024
End of studies: June, 2026

Time and place: , NTA, Fredrikstad + Sorialab, Oslo

Welcome to the BA students' second-year directed production. Directed by Pia Maria Roll, NTA invites you to the performance Good Luck Finding Me. There will be performances both at NTA in Fredrikstad and at Sorialab in Oslo. READ MORE AND BOOK FREE TICKETS


During this fall, five students from MA in Performance individually shares part one of their research in a series of open events. On Saturday, November 18, Muza de la Luz invites you to their performance "Para abrir portales". READ MORE AND BOOK FREE TICKETS


During this fall, five students from MA in Performance individually shares part one of their research in a series of open events. On Saturday, November 18, Karoline Amalie Severinsen invites you to her performance "the tiniest hole". READ MORE AND BOOK FREE TICKETS


During this fall, five students from MA in Performance individually shares part one of their research in a series of open events. On Saturday, November 18, Alejandro Chellet invites you to his performance "RADICAL HOSPITALITY". READ MORE AND BOOK FREE TICKETS

Time and place: , NTA, Fredrikstad

During this fall, five students from MA in Performance individually shares part one of their research in a series of open events. The second performance in the series is The Muslim Mythology by Mohammed Ellyas Lehry. READ MORE AND BOOK TICKETS

Time and place: , NTA, Fredrikstad

During this fall, five students from MA in Performance individually shares part one of their research in a series of open events. The first performance in the series is W(eigh)AIT by Waldane Walker. READ MORE AND BOOK TICKETS


Next admission for Master in Scenography and Master in Performance
Application opens: November 1, 2023
Application deadline: January 15, 2024
Start of studies: August, 2024
End of studies: June, 2026

Time and place: , Riksscenen, Oslo

November 1: Artistic research fellow Thomas Talawa Prestø presents his final artistic research work in two parts at Riksscenen in Oslo; the pre-performance performative lecture "However Far a Stream Flows, It Doesn’t Forget Its Origin", and the performance "Jazz Ain't Nothing but Soul". READ MORE ABOUT LECTURE / READ MORE ABOUT PERFORMANCE

Time and place: , Berliner Ensamble, Germany

October 7-14: Anna Jane Utermøhl Lund, Óluva Tvørfoss and William Wittrup Fock (BA in Acting), and Sara Midtskogen Haave (BA in Scenography) works with Insomnia at Berliner Ensamble in Germany. READ MORE

Time and place: , Milano

Student Workshop in Milan, Italy

Time and place: , Rosental Teater, Trondheim

September 28-30: Artistic research fellow Jakob Oredsson presents his final artistic research work Symbiotic Stages (Rosendal Remains) at Rosendal Teater in Trondheim. READ MORE

Time and place: , NTM, Oslo

September 28: MA in Scenography students are working with UiO and NINA at Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology in Oslo for an upcoming exhibition opening of Private Lives (Privatlivets grenser: Nye samvær - nye skillelinjer er en utstilling som undersøker hvordan nye digitale teknologier griper inn i våre liv). READ MORE

Time and place: , NTA, Fredrikstad

September 13: Welcome to artistic research fellow Edit Kaldor's Viva Voce (disputas) at NTA in Fredrikstad. In this public event, she will conclude her artistic research project The Many and the Form by discussion and reflection with the assessment committee. READ MORE

Time and place: , Det Norske Teatret, Oslo

September 9: Adam Manthey Steen Hølmebakk (BA in Acting) works with Byggmeister Solness at Det Norske Teatret in Oslo. READ MORE

Time and place: , Salzburg, Austria

July 20-August 29: Ellen Krogh Skjølstrup (BA in Acting) works with Jedermann at Salzburg Festival in Austria. READ MORE

Time and place: , Prague, Czech Republic

Norwegian Theatre Academy will be represented at PQ23 through alumni student Olga Regitze Dyrløv Høegh's performative scenography WTM - Walking, Talking Minerals, the Norwegian representation at the Student Exhibition at PQ23.


Curious about what we do here at NTA and how the academy looks, feels, and smells? Considering applying for one of our programs? Come meet us on campus Fredrikstad on Tuesday, February 28 between 14:00 and 17:00 for a casual talk or a little house tour!


November 25-27: MA in Performance student Mari Pitkänen’s final MA production at Huk beach in Oslo.

Time and place: , Galleri F 15, Moss

October 22-January 22: Go experience NTA's artistic research fellow Jakob Oredsson's exhibition at Galleri F 15 & Momentum in Moss. Symbiotic Stories (Alby Always Already) is part of Oredsson's artistic research project Scenography as Symbiosis at NTA. The project’s research questions interrelate with theories on expanded scenography, challenging this notion from within.