NTA at Prague Quadrennial 2023

Norwegian Theatre Academy will be represented at PQ23 through alumni student Olga Regitze Dyrløv Høegh's performative scenography WTM - Walking, Talking Minerals, the Norwegian representation at the Student Exhibition at PQ23.

Norwegian Theatre Academy will be represented at PQ23 through alumni student Olga Regitze Dyrløv Høegh's performative scenography WTM - Walking, Talking Minerals, the Norwegian representation at the Student Exhibition at PQ23. 

WTM - Walking, Talking Minerals explores the relationship between humans and their surroundings - a landscape that we are constantly altering and dominating - manifested at PQ23 with bodies, tools and materials in transforming tableaus of useless labor. 

The work will be activated by current BA and MA students in scenography exploring the role of the performing scenographer. 


Please join our events: 

"The Performing Scenographer"
Sunday 11/6/23 at 14.00 
with Olga Regitze Dyrløv Høegh & current NTA master students in Scenography.

"Immaterial Material" 
Friday 16/6/23 at 14.00 
with Olga Regitze Dyrløv Høegh & current NTA research fellow Jakob Oredsson 


Published June 2, 2023 2:53 PM - Last modified Oct. 16, 2023 2:27 PM