The Shower Gel Dance Company gives WAVES - Stefan Andersson

May 7: MA in Performance student Stefan Andersson's final MA production at Byferga in Fredrikstad.


Stefan Andersson and Norwegian Theatre Academy invite you to:

The Shower Gel Dance Company

Saturday, May 7
19:15 at Byferga in Fredrikstad (Værste ferry dock, Kråkerøy)
The performance is during a 1-hour ferry ride with Byferga in Fredrikstad.
(19:15 introduction + 19:30 departure)
Duration: Approx. 75 min.

A collaborative dance piece at sea!

The Shower Gel Dance Company is making dance from Shower Gel! We are exploring how politics and stories are meeting in our bodies and these products.

We invite you to dance with us, at a voyage with sea minerals, where we will deconstruct, twist and transform together. With our bodies we will talk back and make new suggestions.

Spiritual Beauty, Sport Defence, Strawberries and Cream, The Ancient Ocean, Gold, Africa, Modern masculine, Polynesian Paradise, Nordic Birch, Coconut Care, So Glamorous, Neutral, Dark Temptation, Blush Pink, Hot Chocolate, Night attack, Divine Sensitive.

More about the work:

Shower Gels has a specific collection of texts, images, scents and suggestions that are directed at us in specific ways. How do we want to express ourselves, our dreams and desires, and how is this meeting the structures and norms that are imposed on us?
We are using the palette of all the information as inspiration to play with our expressions, to find new ways to be ourselves, but also to resist, to exclude what we don’t want, what we are sick and tired of.

Shower Gels contains certain ingredients that are affecting the Earth, us and the persons producing them in certain ways. Connection, intimacy and action need to replace distance, exotification and fantasies without reflection. Care need to replace an economic system creating inequality, oppression and pollution. We want to question, highlight, and create new possibilities.

This is for you that want that too, come join us on this journey!
This is how it’s starting. This is how it bursts out in a dance.

I love to dance, when I dance I find myself, when I dance I let myself go.

During spring 2022, the graduating students from MA in Performance will present their final part of their master research work. NTA’s study plan for the MA in Performance research project is organized as a series of public events happening between fall and spring of the second year of the course, organized in two phases, rather than a single final MA production. This spring we will have five phase 2 performances and one phase 1 performance. They will be presented in different locations around Fredrikstad and Oslo, and you are welcome to experience all works for free. See for more information.

Produced by: Norwegian Theatre Academy at Øsfold University College
Mentors: Eleonora Batista Fabião and Saul Garcia Lopéz
Artistic collaborators: Durga Bishkowarma and Johannes Blomqvist
Poster: Yénika Castillo Muñoz
Contra bass: Nicolaj Wamberg
Saxophone: Tim Lowerson
Tracks: "Cuando Canto Grito" by Cerrero, "700" and "Tomorrow" by Lil Baby and Quavo
Production: Sunniva Solberg and Monika Gunnes Stageboe
Photos: Christian Bermudez Aguilar and Johannes Blomqvist
Tech support: Ulf Knudsen and Tim Finset

Thanks to: Karmenlara Ely, Deise Faria Nunez, Olive Beiringa, Cecilio Orozco, Mari Pitkanän, Luanda Jacoel Carneiro, Ayesha Jordan, Christina Andersson, Ingemar Wagner, Øystein Elle, Yenika Castillo Muñoz, Fredrikstad kommune

Published May 4, 2023 1:26 PM - Last modified May 4, 2023 5:17 PM