Final Independent Productions 2019

On February 21-23, NTA's graduating students in acting and scenography presents their Final Independent Productions. Five different productions presented all three days in different locations in Fredrikstad.

NTA's graduating students in acting and scenography presents:

FREE TICKETS HERE (you need to book tickets for three of the five productions, the other two you are welcome to join without a ticket)

17:00 På gaten (at Stortorvet in Fredrikstad city center)
17:30-19:30 Oral Furniture (open performative installation at NTA**)
18:45 Bitch, Where the Fuck Is My Manifesto?! (at NTA)
19:45 Boys in Sync (at NTA)

FRIDAY 22.02.
17:00 På gaten (at Stortorvet in Fredrikstad city center)
17:30-19:30 Oral Furniture (open performative installation at NTA**)
18:40 Boys in Sync (at NTA)
19:50 Bitch, Where the Fuck Is My Manifesto?! (at NTA)
21:00 The Fall of the House of Yeast (at the old brewery*)

14:00 På gaten (at Stortorvet in Fredrikstad city center)
15:00 The Fall of the House of Yeast (at the old brewery*)
16:00-19:30 Oral Furniture (open performative installation at NTA**)
16:30 Bitch, Where the Fuck Is My Manifesto?! (at NTA)
17:30 Boys in Sync (at NTA)

*Transportation from Stortorvet in Fredrikstad city center
**You can drop in and out of the performative installation


Practical and important information about each performance:

Tova Ekenberg, Livia Hiselius, Naja Schønemann, Sofia Findahl will have their public performance in the streets of Fredrikstad's city center. NO TICKETS NEEDED. They will be present in the streets during big parts of the days on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. So look for their actions in the streets at any other time during those days, if you are nearby! We invite you to Stortorvet at 17:00 on Thursday and Friday, and 14:00 on Saturday to see them perform as part of the Final Independent Productions. If you are going to see the next production, Oral Furniture, at NTA on Thursday and Friday, look for the audience host and we walk together to NTA over the walking bridge. If you book tickets to The Fall of the House of Yeast on Saturday, there will be a taxi at Stortorvet taking you to the old brewery after the street performance. Look for the audience host and come show your ticket to board the taxi.

Shiva Sherveh presents her performative installation at NTA on Thursday, Frida and Saturday. This is an open installation which you can walk in and out of. NO TICKETS NEEDED. Meet at the regular audience entrance (N5) at NTA and you will be guided to the space. If you have tickets to see the other performances, you can also drop by the installation in the breaks between the other shows, as long as it is between the opening hours of the performance installation. We recommend you visit it more than once during the day, as it will change as time goes by. On Thursday and Friday, you can walk together with the audience host from the walking bridge in the city center, if you have seen the previous performance on the program. Or you can come directly to NTA if you want to. On Saturday, those who have tickets to The Fall of the House of Yeast will be taken from the old brewery by taxi directly to NTA.

Duduzile L. S. Mathonsi will perform her solo piece at NTA all three days. YOU NEED TICKETS FOR THIS. Come to the regular audience entrance at NTA (N5) to show your ticket, and you will be guided to the performance space.

Jakob Schnack Krog, Simon Zeller, and Jay Fiskerstrand will perform their piece at NTA all three days. YOU NEED TICKETS FOR THIS. Come to the regular audience entrance at NTA (N5) to show your ticket, and you will be guided to the performance space.

Ragni Halle, Nina Tind Jensen, Andrea Madsen Lindeneg and Gregers A. Krogsleiven-Hansen presents their final production at the old brewery in Fredrikstad (Bydalen) on Friday and Saturday (and with an extra performance on Tuesday). YOU NEED TICKETS FOR THIS. On Tuesday there will be no transportation arranged, and you need to come directly to the old brewery and look for the audience host to show your ticket. On Friday you can join a taxi from the walking bridge/Stortorvet at approximately 17:20. Look for the audience host and the taxi. After the performance on Friday, there will be no transportation arranged. On Friday you can join a taxi from the walking bridge/Stortorvet at approximately 14:35. Look for the audience host and the taxi. After the performance at the brewery on Saturday, there will be a taxi taking you to NTA in time to see the next performance on the program.

Published Jan. 18, 2019 2:17 PM - Last modified May 4, 2023 4:47 PM