

Time and place: , NTA, Fredrikstad

August 6: MA graduation production at Norwegian Theatre Academy in Fredrikstad.


Time and place: , NTA, Fredrikstad

May 31, 21:00-22:30 + June 1, 17:00-18:30: MA graduation production at Norwegian Theatre Academy in Fredrikstad. MORE INFORMATION AND FREE TICKETS

Time and place: , HiØ, Fredrikstad

May 31, 19:00-20:10 + June 1, 15:00-16:10: MA graduation production at Norwegian Theatre Academy in Fredrikstad. MORE INFORMATION AND FREE TICKETS

Time and place: , NTA, Fredrikstad

May 25, 19:30-20:40: MA graduation production at NTA in Fredrikstad. MORE INFORMATION AND FREE TICKETS

Time and place: , NTA, Fredrikstad

May 25, 17:00-19:00: MA graduation production at NTA in Fredrikstad. MORE INFORMATION AND FREE TICKETS

Time and place: , Jernbaneparken, Fredrikstad

May 25, 14:00-16:30: MA graduation production at Jernbaneparken and through Fredrikstad city center. MORE INFORMATION AND FREE TICKETS

Time and place: , NTA, Fredrikstad

Welcome to an open performance lecture by Alejandro Chellet. Through shifting forms of hospitality, NTA's master students in performance question how we share knowledge, bodies and spaces through performing aspects of their research projects and archives. MORE INFO

Time and place: , NTA, Fredrikstad

May 10-11: MA graduation production at Norwegian Theatre Academy in Fredrikstad. MORE INFORMATION AND FREE TICKETS

Time and place: , Emanuel Vigeland Museum, Oslo

May 6: MA graduation production at Emanuel Vigeland Museum in Oslo. MORE INFORMATION AND FREE TICKETS

Time and place: , NTA, Fredrikstad

Welcome to artistic research fellow Jakob Oredsson's Viva Voce (disputas) on Friday, April 19, 2024 at 13:00 in Fredrikstad (NTA). In this public event, Jakob will conclude his artistic research project Scenography as Symbiosis by discussion and reflection with the assessment committee. READ MORE

Time and place: , KhiO, Oslo

Graduation performances by KhiO students in directing, with support from NTA students in acting and scenography. All performances are presented at Oslo National Academy of the Arts. READ MORE AND BOOK FREE TICKETS


SEA MATTERS is a performance research pedagogy laboratory based on shared transatlantic storytelling between Norway and Brazil. One of the main goals of this four-year-long project funded by HK-dir (Norwegian Department of Higher Education and Skills) is to rethink institutional power across borders where ecology, social justice, and art practice are tightly interconnected and informed by the two nations' complex transatlantic legacies. The first workshop of the project is taking place these days in Rio de Janeiro, where a group from NTA is participating, and the workshop will close with an international seminar. READ MORE

Time and place: , NTA, Fredrikstad

NTA's BA students in acting, including a student from BA in scenography and a student from MA in scenography, invite you to their Independent Productions this spring. Three days, three performances each day, and all performances are presented in different spaces at NTA in Fredrikstad. READ MORE AND BOOK FREE TICKETS

Time and place: , Østfold University College, Fredrikstad

Curious about the college and about NTA? Come by for an informal chat with us in the campus cafeteria. Intake of new BA students in 2025! READ MORE

Time and place: , Østfold Internasjonale Teater

Closed event for previous and ongoing NTA students and staff: Through this reunion, NTA alumnis explore how we create support networks and share resources and knowledge in a post-pandemic era. The event is a cooperation between Norwegian Theatre Academy and Østfold International Theatre in Fredrikstad.

Time and place: , Østfold Internasjonale Teater

Join us for a series of performance lectures and meet the performing artists of tomorrow. Through shifting forms of hospitality, NTA's master students in performance will question how we share knowledge, bodies and spaces through performing aspects of their research projects and archives. The event is a cooperation between Norwegian Theatre Academy and Østfold International Theatre in Fredrikstad. READ MORE

Time and place: , Østfold Internasjonale Teater

In the discursive event The Sound and The Silence, NTA’s master students in scenography Lisa Birkenbach, Solveig Ylva Dagsdottir and Irina Komissarova have curated and invited four artists from different European countries to explore and discuss the phenomena of sound through scenographic perspectives. Scenography, all too often reduced to its visual side, deals a lot with acoustics, sounds and soundscapes of any kind, and plays an essential role in establishing various atmospheres and situations. But like its even less respected sister, smell, sound is underrated as a tool for creating and shaping spaces. The event is a cooperation between Norwegian Theatre Academy and Østfold International Theatre in Fredrikstad. READ MORE AND BOOK FREE TICKETS

Time and place: , Studio BLUE, NTA

Thursday 15th February 2024 was organised the first public presentation of the EU Culture project UNLOCK THE CITY! Theatre as a tool to re-think the landscape of the post-pandemic city.


The second FieldworkLAB took place in Piatra Neamt!

Time and place: , Pietra Neamt, Romania

Master Students in Scenography to participate to the first CreativeLab of UNLOCK THE CITY! in Pietra Neamt