Norwegian version of this page



  •  Full time studies
  •  Teaching language is English
  •  Three-year BA and two-year MA programs
  •  Acting and Scenography work together in workshops and directed productions
  •  Students learn to develop and produce their own collaborative projects
  •  All programs have international exchange opportunities
  •  The international student body at NTA is linked to a growing network of practicing artists in the NTA alumni organization


NTA reception:

Studies and admission:

Visiting address:
Kobberslagerstredet 3
1671 Kråkerøy (Fredrikstad)


NTA is organized with a joint leadership - artistic and administrative. The artistic leadership is shared between the Artistic Director Acting (BA) and Performance (MA), professor Karmenlara Ely and Artistic Director Scenography (BA and MA), professor Serge von Arx. The Head of Section is Anne Berit Løland.

This model of organization mirrors the transdisciplinary focus in our institution as well as the collaborative activity within contemporary performing and live arts in general. A joint leadership, constituted by our two heads of departments (scenography and acting) gives the opportunity to implement the overall artistic visions more deeply into each department, as well as strengthening the development of collaborative projects between the students.


Seksjonsstyret is a decision-making and advisory body which, together with the leadership, will contribute to ensuring that the academic activities at the department maintain high quality and are further developed.

Artistic council

The Artistic Council at Norwegian Theatre Academy consist of: Robert Wilson, Meg Stuart, Guillermo Gomez-Peña/La Pocha Nostra and Kelly Copper/Pavol Liska (Nature Theatre of Oklahoma)

News and events

All news and events.