Jane Mattisson Ekstam

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Bilde av Jane Ekstam
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Professor emerita
Kontakt Studiested

Special interests

My specialities include Ecocriticism, British literature, Canadian literature, British culture, and academic writing in English. I work closely with our teacher training programmes at Østfold University College, Norway, and have also worked with liberal arts students as well as within professional vocational training. I have taught at the doctoral level, supervise doctoral students of English Literature and have served on a number of doctoral grading committees. I have also examined doctoral theses in English Literature at a number of international universities.

With respect to research, my areas of expertise include Ecocriticism, nineteenth-century British literature, modern Canadian literature, modern detective fiction set in World War One or its aftermath, intercultural influences on writing, reading in English, and the role of written feedback in academic essays.

I am currently writing a trilogy on climate change. As the blurb explains:

"It is 2022. What can Katja and her five friends, all students at a university in Bath, England, do to turn the tables and save the life on Earth from imminent destruction? Is technology the solution, or our downfall? The past and present are intertwined as the six students, from China, Iran, Northern Ireland, Norway, The Gambia and the USA, try to make sense of their world and save what can be saved.

"The story Katja tells is not only her own – it is also ours. It is a shared story.

"Katja’s World Game is the first novel in a trilogy that explores the natural world, the supernatural, and the world of stories and games."

I am a member of the International Association of University Professors in English, the Association of English Teachers in English, and the Society of Authors. 


I teach teacher candidates at both junior- and secondary-school level. My focus is on British literature and culture, and how to teach these subjects. I also teach academic writing at bachelor and master's level, and run workshops on writing in English for academic purposes


Master and Ph.D.

  • Ph.D.:

    I hold a Ph.D from Lund University (2000). The title of my thesis is "Knowledge and Survival in the Novels of Thomas Hardy" (Lund University Press, 2002). I address the relationship between education and survival in an increasingly modernised world. While Hardy's sympathies were clearly with the less educated rustics, he understood that their position was untenable and their future uncertain without formal education.

  • Master:

    My master's thesis, "Symbolism in the Novels of Daphne du Maurier", was completed in 1994. My degree was awarded by Lund University.


Research projects

In addition to my research interests described above, which have enabled me to present at a number of national and ternational conferences both as keynote speaker and presenter, I have directed/participated in three research projects: 1) on using portfolios; 2) English for administrative personnel at Swedish universities, and 3) reading academic texts. I have also visited a number of international universities as an Erasmus scholar, providing lectures, seminars and leading workshops in writing and literature.


In 2014, I was awarded the title of "Excellent Teacher". As "Excellent Teacher" I assess teachers' applications for promotion to either "Teacher of Merit" or "Excellent Teacher". I have also won several grants from a) the Canadian Government (Facutly and Enrichment awards; research in Canada) and b) the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education (STINT; collaborative projects at bachelor and master's level at universities in West Africa and in China).

Special responsibilities

I am a member of several editorial boards, for among others, Acta Didactica Norge, Reci Journal of English Language and Literature Studies, English Language and Literature Studies, International Journal of English Language and Literature Studies, and most recently, Journal of Applied Linguistics and Applied Literature: Dynamics and Advances. I also write literary reviews for the American blog, "Roads to the Great War".


In addition to my teaching and editorial duties, I run workshops on British/Canadian literature and academic writing in English at a number of international universities, including the University of Palma, Majorca, Spain; the University of Parma, Italy; Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic; Kielce University, Poland; Timisoara University, Romania, and Minsk University, Belarus.

I am an active member of BRICCS (British and comparative cultural studies: identities and representation) at the University of the Balearics, Spain. Our most recent publication is The Humanities Still Matter. Identity, Gender and Space in Twenty-First-Century Europe edited by Rubén Jarazo-Álvarez and José Igor Prieto-Arranz (Peter Lang, 2021). My contribution, is "On Memory Lands and Sea of Memories in Twenty-First-Century-Europe" (ch. 4, 89-104).

For a full list of my activities and Curriculum Vitae, as well as a comprehensive list of my publications (I was employed in Sweden until June 2016; my publications up to June 2016 are to be found in DIVA), please write to jane.m.ekstam@hiof.no

All publications from 2016 can be seen in 'Cristin': Se alle arbeider i Cristin.



  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2021). “Looking and feeling good on my own terms”: Amal’s hybrid identity in Randa Abdel-Fattah’s Does My Head Look Big in This? . I Björk, Eva Margareta Lambertsson; Eschenbach, Jutta Cornelia & Wagner, Johanna M. (Red.), Women and Fairness: Navigating an Unfair World. Waxmann Verlag. ISSN 978-3-8309-4365-5. s. 49–61. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Wu, Huiqi & Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2021). Beyond Parroting: Using English Fun Dubbing to Improve English Oral Performance. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics (CJAL). ISSN 2192-9505. 44(2), s. 203–218. doi: 10.1515/CJAL-2021-0012.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2020). On Memorylands and Sea of Memories: Empathy and Historical Memory in Twenty-First-Century Europe. I Jarazo-Álvarez, Rubén & Prieto-Arranz, José Igor (Red.), The Humanities Still Matter: Identity, Gender and Space in Twenty-First-Century Europe. Peter Lang Publishing Group. ISSN 978-1-78997-279-5. s. 89–104.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2018). Metacognition and Reader Response: the use of reading logs in the envisionment-building classroom. Acta Didactica Norge. ISSN 1504-9922. 12(2), s. 1–27. doi: 10.5617/adno.6093. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2018). ‘Why we need to read and understand literature: Literariness and Hans Rosling’s Factfulness'. The Journal of applied linguistics and discourse analysis. JALDA. ISSN 2588-591X. doi: 10.22049/jalda.2018.26269.1074.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson & Sarvandy, Elham (2017). English Language Teaching in Iran: Tradition versus Modernity. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics (CJAL). ISSN 2192-9505. 40(1), s. 112–119. doi: 10.1515/cjal-2017-0007.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2017). Den litterära journalisten Gustaf Hellström söker sanningen i Sovjet Unionen. I Rothstein, Sigurd & Leopold, Lennart (Red.), Resa i Stalins Ryssland. Gustaf Hellströms Reportage från Sovjetunionen sommaren 1937. Nomen. ISSN 9789188713384.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2016). Gustaf Hellström, Excerpt: IGustaf Hellström, Foreign Correspondent for Dagens Nyheter (The Daily News) in Paris, 1911–1917. I Griffiths, Andrew; Prieto, Sara & Zehle, Soenke (Red.), Literary Journalism and World War I: Marginal Voices. Presses universitaires de Nancy. ISSN 9782814302822.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2016). Downton Abbey: A Golden Age or Social Mobility in Reverse? I Antonowicz, Anna & Niedokos, Tomasz (Red.), Golden Epochs and Dark Ages: Perspectives on the Past. Wydawnictwo KUL. ISSN 978-83-8061-317-1.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2016). Londons mentala karta. Gustaf Hellströms litterära skildringar av London. I Ekstam, Jane Mattisson; Leopold, Lennart & Lundgren, Disa (Red.), Reporter i världens största stad: Gustaf Hellström i London 1907-1910. Nomen. ISSN 9789188329950. s. 149–167.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2015). Modern detective novels and World War One: a symbiotic relationship. English Studies: A Journal of English Language. ISSN 0013-838X. 96(7), s. 799–817. doi: 10.1080/0013838x.2015.1051872.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2013). Education and Social Class. I Mallett, Philip (Red.), Thomas Hardy in context. Cambridge University Press. ISSN 978-0-521-19648-2. s. 188–195.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2018). Everyone Loves a Good Story: Reading for Pleasure, Reading for Understanding. Acta Didactica Norge. ISBN 978-1-107-14465-1. 12(2). 80 s.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson & Oukhnavova-Shmyrova, Irina (2018). Academic Writing in English for Teachers, Researchers and Students. A Handbook. Jan Kochanowski University Press. 150 s.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson; Leopold, Lennart & Lundgren, Disa (2016). Reporter i världens största stad: Gustaf Hellström i London 1907-1910. Nomen. ISBN 9789188329950. 216 s.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2002). Knowledge and Survival in the Novels of Thomas Hardy. Department of English, Lund University. ISBN 91-974023-0-3. 423 s.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2021). Lives intertwined with advanced technologies and the revitalisation of non-technological disciplines. The case of English literature in the future. Two approaches.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2021). The Anglo-Canadian Novel in the Twenty-First Century: Interpretations ed. by Maria Löschnigg and Martin Löschnigg (review). British Journal of Canadian Studies. ISSN 0269-9222. 33(2).
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2021). Canadian Environmental Philosophy ed. by C. Tyler DesRoches, Frank Jankunis, and Byron Williston (review). British Journal of Canadian Studies. ISSN 0269-9222. 33(2), s. 279–280.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2021). Katja’s World Game: sustainability, cultural understanding and human selfexploration through literature. Climate literature in the trainee teacher classroom .
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2021). Self-Exploration and Imaginative Biotopes in Climate Fiction: The Climate Problems of Today and our Hopes for the Future.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2021). Katja’s World Game: sustainability, cultural understanding and human selfexploration through literature .
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2021). Katja’s World Game: an alternative way for readers/students to think about climate change and its effects .
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2021). Katja’s World Game: literature as ecology. Literature for the future.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2020). The Polarized World of Jenny Offill’s Weather.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2020). Literature as Cultural Ecology.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2018). World War One, fiction, and memory.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2018). Detective fiction and World War One.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2018). Empathy and theory of mind in the graphic novel. The case of Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis .
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2018). Challenges of the new curriculum in Norway.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2018). Maisie Dobbs: a self-reliant detective in an increasingly technological world.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2018). Post-modernism and post- Margaret Atwood: the state of Canadian literature Today as the past meets the present .
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2018). Empathetic narrative technique in the graphic novel: the case of Persepolis (2008) .
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2018). Principles of the Lingua Franca Approach in the Iranian Context.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2018). Laying Bare parts of Australia: displacement and the human rights culture.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2018). ‘Writing and presenting in English’. One-day lecture and workshop for PhD students at Parma University.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2018). Adam Kirsch, The Global Novel: Writing the World in the 21st Century Paperback. Columbia Global Reports. Ostrava Journal of English Philology. ISSN 1803-8174. 10(1).
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2018). Tanti, Melissa, Jeremy Haynes, Daniel Coleman, and Lorraine York (eds.). Beyond Understanding Canada: Transnational Perspectives on Canadian Literature (Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2017). British Journal of Canadian Studies. ISSN 0269-9222. 31(1), s. 124–125.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson & Svenhard, Britt W. (2018). The importance of trust and local participation in the implementation of the new Norwegian school curriculum.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson & Knutsen, Karen Sue Patrick (2018). Reading for pleasure, reading for understanding: Reading and metacognition in the English language classroom. Acta Didactica Norge. ISSN 1504-9922. 12(2). doi: 10.5617/adno.6227.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2017). Malissa Tanti, Jeremy Haynes, Daniel Coleman, Lorraine York (eds.). Understanding Canada. Transnational Perspectives on Canadian Literature. British Journal of Canadian Studies. ISSN 0269-9222.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2017). Tereza Topolovska. The Country House Revisited. Variations on a theme from Forster to Hollinghurst. Ostrava Journal of English Philology. ISSN 1803-8174. 9(2), s. 73–74.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2017). Ryan Trimm. Heritage and the Legacy of the Past in Contemporary British Literature and Culture. English studies. ISSN 1651-4165.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2017). Will Tattersdill. Science, Fiction and Fin-de-Siecle Periodical Press. English studies. ISSN 1651-4165.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2017). Margaret Atwood. The Burgess Shale. The Canadian Writing Landscape of the 1960s. CLC Kreisel Lecture Series. American Studies in Scandinavia. ISSN 0044-8060. 49(2).
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2017). Elinor Barr. Swedes in Canada: Invisible Immigrants. British Journal of Canadian Studies. ISSN 0269-9222. 30(1).
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2017). Values in Second Language Education.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2017). Intercultural communication in the context of minor languages.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2017). Knowledge through transformation of experience and its implications for teacher education. A case study.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2017). Reading Literature. Judith Langer and the Envisionment-building classroom.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2017). Lois Lowry's 'The Giver': a dystopia couched in Secrets.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2017). Higher education in Sweden.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2017). The challenges of writing a master's thesis in English: 5 key areas.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2017). Reading practices among students'.
  • Mikkelsen, Robert Lewis; Knutsen, Karen S Patrick & Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2017). Upper-secondary-school Norwegian history books and Norwegian collaboration with the Germans during World War Two. A story of consensus.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2017). Science, Fiction, and the Fin-de-Siècle Periodical Press. English Studies: A Journal of English Language. ISSN 0013-838X. 98(4), s. 442–443.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2017). Evolution and Imagination in Victorian Children's Literature av Jessica Straley. English Studies: A Journal of English Language. ISSN 0013-838X. 98(3), s. 346–347.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2016). Peter Ackroyd. A Horror and a Beauty: The World of Peter Ackroyd's London Novels. Ostrava Journal of English Philology. ISSN 1803-8174. 8(2).
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2016). 1.Writing a Bachelor's Thesis. 2.Writing a Master's Thesis. 3.Writing a Ph.D Thesis.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2016). Downton Abbey och Førsta Værldskriget.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2016). Downton Abbey och den bild den ger av samhællet.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2016). The Implied Author in Jacqueline Winspear's 'Maisie Dobbs' novels.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2016). Making the Invisible Visible. Swedish Emigration to Canada in a new study by Elinor Barr.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2016). Gustaf Hellstrøm i London och hans reportage om suffragettrørelsen.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2016). Reading articles in English. A report on our reading project January-August 2016.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2016). Læsprojekt Høgskolan Kristianstad.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2015). The changing world of Maisie Dobbs in the aftermath of World War One. St. Mihiel Trip Wire.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2019). The role of culture in English Language Teaching. Payame Noor University.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2018). The role of electronic feedback in students' academic texts. Lund University Press.
  • Ekstam, Jane Mattisson (2018). Reading and Metacognition. Acta Didactica Norge. ISSN 1504-9922.

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Publisert 12. juni 2018 16:30 - Sist endret 15. okt. 2021 09:26