
Tid og sted: , Campus Halden, rom D1-057)

Åpen gjesteforelesning av Leonie Cornips, professor ved The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science (KNAW) i Amsterdam og ved Universitetet i Maastricht.

Tid og sted: , På Zoom og på Veterinærinstituttet, Elizabeth Stephansens vei 1, 1433 Ås

Foredrag med Leonie Cornips, Amsterdam/Maastricht

This presentation focusses on a research project which examines interspecies interaction. Drawing on fieldwork in Dutch dairy farms, the aim is to find out how human and non-human animals, that is, farmers and cows, communicate with each other. Research into interspecies interactions provide a new lens on the concept of language: instead of asking which species have language, the question rises of how may language actually work? (De Waal and Ferrari 2010).

Tid og sted: , Bibliotek og Zoom

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