Travel and Intercultural Communication – Going North (2017)

This volume brings together the proceedings of “Going North: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Travel and Intercultural Communication” held in Halden, Norway, in 2016.

Today’s world is akin to a global network where spatial, linguistic and cultural mobility reshapes our identities. This mobility is unprecedented in its scope, and is caused by a multitude of reasons, from purely leisurely travel to desperate flight. The “Going North” conference addressed the role of travel – past and present – and intercultural communication connected to travel.

Contributors are:

Eva Lambertsson Björk and Jutta Eschenbach: Introduction

Part 1: Encountering the Other – Crossing Borders?

  • Kathryn Walchester: Employment, Mobility and Intercultural Communication in British Travelogues from the Long Nineteenth Century
  • Eva Lambertsson Björk and Jutta Eschenbach: A Beetle on the Loose—Wilson MacArthur: An Auto Nomad in Post War Sweden
  • Melanie Duckworth: “Travelling North Together”—the North, Whales, and Intercultural Communication in Kathleen Jamie’s Essays and Poems
  • Maria Selezneva: Translation between Cultures in the Field of Travel

Part 2: Perceiving the North – Issues of Identity and Ways of Thinking

  • Janicke Stensvaag Kaasa: “A Country of Unanswered Questions”—Pierre Berton: The Mysterious North
  • Joanna Witkowska: “Sikorski’s Tourists” and their Confrontation with the “Icy North”
  • Karen Patrick Knutsen: Moving South to Envision the North: Seamus Heaney’s North
  • Oana Cogeanu: Representations of the North in African-American Travel Writing
  • Mieke Neyens: Where North and South Meet: Mexico’s norte in Norwegian Travel Writing
Publisert 10. feb. 2021 16:13 - Sist endret 4. jan. 2023 21:43