States of Decadence: On the Aesthetics of Beauty, Decline and Transgression across Time and Space Volume 1 (2016)

States of Decadence is a two volume anthology that focuses on the literary and cultural phenomenon of decadence. Particular attention is given to literature from the end of the 1800s, the fin de siècle: however, the essays presented here are not restricted to this historical period, but draw lines both back in time and forward to our day to illuminate the contradictory multiplicity inherent in decadence.

States of Decadence is a two volume anthology that focuses on the literary and cultural phenomenon of decadence. Particular attention is given to literature from the end of the 1800s, the fin de siècle: however, the essays presented here are not restricted to this historical period, but draw lines both back in time and forward to our day to illuminate the contradictory multiplicity inherent in decadence. Furthermore, the essays go beyond literary studies, drawing on a number of the tropes and themes of decadence manifested in the arts and culture, such as in music, opera, film, history, and even jewelry design.

Contributors are:

Guri E. Barstad and Karen P. Knutsen. Introduction: Forty Shades of Decadence

Nordic Decadence

  • Riikka Rossi: States of Nordic Melancholia in Juhani Aho’s Yksin (Alone, 1890)
  • Pirjo Lyytikäinen: Female Monsters, Visionary Protagonists: Epiphanies in Nordic Decadence
  • Guri Ellen Barstad: Entre authenticité et artifice: Hommes las de Arne Garborg
  • Per Esben Svelstad: Homosexuality as Decadence in Norwegian Modernism: The Tenebrous
  • Sides of Vitality in Åsmund Sveen’s Andletet
  • Viola Parente-Čapková: The Old Woman, Decadent and Folkloristic
  • Nicole G. Albert: La tribade en majesté ou les mésaventures de la lesbienne dans l’œvre de Strindberg: récupération et détournement d’une figure décadente

Decadent Aesthetics and Reception

  • Marie-France David-de Palacio: ‘Sous l’humaine écorce, le squelette vivant: les rayons X, progrès ou décadence?
  • Jean de Palacio: ‘L’élégance sans nom de l’humaine armature’: La décadence squelettisée
  • Julia Przybos: Portrait du décadent en chiffonier
  • Guy Ducrey: Zut, premier ou dernier mot de la Décadence?
  • Fanny Bacot: Exemples et contre-examples de decadence dans l’esthéthique de Joséphin Péladan (1858-1918)
  • Étienne Wolff: La Vandale (1907) de Magali Boisnard
  • Alina Ioana Bako: La Décadence dans la littérature roumaine
  • Marguerite Bordry: Images croisées de la Venise décadente dans Il Fuoco et Scott’acqua

Degeneration, Hysteria and Perversions

  • Anna Gural-Migdal: L’imaginaire horrifique de L’Abbé Jules, par-delà naturalisme et décadenceA
  • Karen Patrick Knutsen: War as a Cure for Decadence? Pat Baker’s Use of Decadence Tropes in the Regeneration Trilogy
  • Patrick Bergeron: Professeur de désespoir: Peter Kien dans Auto-da-fé, un héros décadent?
  • Hermeline Pernoud: Horreurs sadomasochistes dans le conte de fees (1880-1895): Catulle Mendès, Marcel Schwob, Jules Ricard, Gustave Claudin et Daniel Darc
  • Maxime Foerster: A New Catalogue of Perversions: Sexology and Decadence
  • Franck Orban: Déclin ou décadence de la France: entre géopolitique et fantasme
  • Daphné Vignon: Les Aventures de Télémaque ou la décadence conjurée
Publisert 10. feb. 2021 15:44 - Sist endret 4. jan. 2023 21:41