A visit to BETT 2020 in London

BETT, which is held in London in January, is an annual convention aimed at the educational sector. This year invitations to attend were offered to HiØ/ØUC faculty through the dep. of Education's digitalization project DigiLU, and so here's a brief look back at this general fun fair from our recent visit.

BETT entrance                                   Photo: L.E.

NOTE: This post is not intended as promotion for BETT, but rather as a travel diary, of sorts.

A key thing to note about BETT is that it is, well..., BIG. In the exhibition areas, you can mingle, visit major and minor companies at their stands to learn about their products and services, talk to fellow educators, enhance your professional network, as well as attend various seminars, lectures and workshops arranged by both educators and companies.

There are also schools that go on outings to BETT, making for a merry atmosphere with packs of students of all ages roaming the halls. One of the younger students I had the pleasure of chatting with was very interested in learning why my shoes were brown, and more importantly; what my favorite dinosaur is - both being things I really hadn't reflected on for some time but was happy to have been asked.


One of many exhibition areas at BETT.                                                                                     Photo: L.E.

There's lots to see - and a decent amount of exercise to be had if one wants to cover everything at BETT. In other words: A stimulating as well as slightly exhausting outing for the typical office dwelling academic. 


BETT talk, anyone?                                                                                                                 Photo: L.E.

Zoom is a popular video-conferencing platform (which is also used by HiØ/ØUC) but at BETT I got an intro to ZoomRooms.

ZoomRooms                                                                                                                     Photo: L.E.

One company which amazed me (in a good way, mind you) was Canine Assisted Learning. CAL offers their canine services to schools in the UK for purposes such as rehabilitation, school wellbeing days and other mental health focus areas. Brilliant!  Now, let's just get a few poodles into schools in Norway as well and we'll be set.

CAL                                                                                                                                   Photo: L.E.

BONUS: A meet and greet with this little guy.

BB8 rolling by                                                                                                                             Photo: L.E.

To conclude: We came, we saw and we had a good time at BETT 2020. Typically, the days of an academic are spent in an office, with the occasional meeting and lecture to keep everyone busy, so a bit of traveling really does work wonders. A note to all leaders: Feel free to send all HiØ/ØUC staff on many more trips.



Emneord: English, BETT, London, education, technology, exhibition, conference, HiØ, ØUC Av Lasse Ellefsen
Publisert 15. apr. 2020 11:47 - Sist endret 26. juli 2021 11:14