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Literature in the Time of Crisis – an ELLA project (“Literature in context”)

In the new project “crisis” is understood as a concept that may be linked to different foci, e.g. literature and illness; literature, trauma and therapy; literature’s possibilities to address crises/verbalise crises; literature’s affordances; literature as problem-solving discourse; literary utopias/dystopias in response to different crises (also global crises); literature as resistance or as dissenting voice; and literature in the digital era (is literature itself in crisis?).

The project is based in the research group Litteratur og Narrativitet/Literature and Narrativity, and will include also other researchers at Østfold university college. In addition, there are opportunities to involve external colleagues in the project (both as external guest speakers, but also in connection with a conference/symposium with a subsequent publication). The project, as a whole, will result in various publications, and because the project is wide, it offers possibilities beyond an anthology and/or a thematic issue of ELLA. The aim is that “Literature in the Time of Crisis” will inspire and motivate to publications both in journals and books, on different platforms and/or conferences, in different languages and in different cooperative constellations. 

Tags: litterature, crises, ELLA, global crises, digital era
Published Apr. 18, 2023 1:39 PM - Last modified Apr. 18, 2023 1:41 PM