Kathrine Staksrud

Norwegian version of this page Department of Languages, Literature and Culture
Image of Kathrine Staksrud
Norwegian version of this page Position
Assistant Professor
Contact Study place
Office nr.

Academic interests

My academic interests are within education with a focus on didactics, oral skills and literature. In addition to being a lecturer at Østfold University College, I am also a PhD candidate at the University of Oslo in the Department of Teacher Education and School Research. I am a part of the STAGE-project which investigates the mechanisms underlying language learning among learners of English as a foreign, second and additional language (L2). 

Courses taught

I am the course-coordinator for Engelsk 1, 5-10. trinn within the program Kompetanse for Kvalitet. I also teach didactics, culture and literature in teacher education. 


I have 13 years of teaching experience from lower secondary before I started working at Østfold University College in 2018. 

Published June 12, 2018 4:28 PM - Last modified Oct. 11, 2022 7:13 PM